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Nakai hastened her step as the dark clouds bulging and doubling in size above her threatened to send showers her way. She had no intentions of being caught up in the initial rain showers of the season which were usually accompanied by untamed thunder and lightning. When she was younger, children were always told terrifying stories of the gods rendering people mad for being caught up in the first rains of the season, of course they were just scare tactics to keep children safe but now as she thought of the unbelievable events of the previous days, she realized there was more to life than her eyes cold simply reveal.

She quickly moved past the market square which was already deserted by now as the sellers had no desire to see their merchandise drenched and useless. The thunder constantly rumbling in the distance might have also played a part in them fleeing this early in the day. She was now approaching Hombarume's homestead which was further down the road, before he came to the intersection that led her to Sekai's homestead.

Hombarume's case was still a mystery to her, she still didn't have all the answers and she didn't know if she could trust his story after people had started suggesting that he killed her suitor in cold blood. Of course she had no feelings whatsoever towards the prince, but the thought of Hombarume committing such a vile act made her shudder. He was in the middle of a thickening mess and right now she didn't know if she could trust him as much as she did before.

She passed the homestead without turning a hair, though feeling like he was watching her, seeing her saunter past as if she didn't know who lived there, as if they didn't have anything to discuss at all. The breeze met her face, momentarily distracting her from her persistent thoughts about her lover. By the time she arrived at Sekai's home, the sky had quieted down ever so suddenly, as if the gods had stopped its anger before it erupted. For a small compound, Sekai's home was always a bustle of activity and there was never a dull moment.


Sekai had plaited her mother's hair rather quickly, fearing that the rain might catch up with them and force them to go indoors where the light would not be as good. Now the time had passed and the skies were starting to clear up, she wished she hadn't done such a hurried job, that she had taken her time and made a much more presentable style. Nevertheless, there was no time to re-plait the hair because she had to prepare dinner before the sun started back down.

Nakai walked into the compound, looking like she had crossed rivers and scaled mountains to get there. Sekai hadn't seen her friend in a while now and she hadn't told her about Anesu, that she had seen him and they had began rekindling their romance just before he disappeared into thin air. She didn't know if she could still tell her now, she didn't know if it still mattered now that he was gone. Gone was such a strong word, where had he gone? Would they ever find him?

Sekai especially didn't know if telling Nakai about Anesu would be a good idea since she already had the situation with Hombarume to deal with. She had to talk about it, since Anesu had promised her that he would come back for her, but would he come back now that he was missing?

'Have you gone to see him yet?'

Sekai asked her friend as they moved toward the garden that was a short walk from the homestead, conveniently situated near the pond so that it would e easer to water the vegetables growing there. The pond was nearly dry ow and if the rains didn't come any sooner, the tomatoes and greens would suffer at the stern hand of the blazing sun.

'I passed his homestead without even hesitating,' Nakai said with a loud sigh.

Sekai didn't know what to say to her.

'Do you think he will come to look for you?'

'I doubt he will set foot in my father's compound again after my mother raised hell for him.'

Sekai hastily approached a mango tree near one of the patches in an effort to be away from her friend when she uttered her next statement.

'I saw Anesu.'

'What? When? That man has been missing you know? It is very tragic,' Nakai replied.

'I met with him before he went missing; he was leaving the village, ran into me and stayed.'

Nakai did not show any obvious emotion, she just stood there staring at her friend as if what she had just said wasn't moving at all.

'Do you know what happened to him?' she finally asked.

'No, I don't, what if this is the same thing that happened to Simba?' Sekai replied.

Nakai now looked worried, but her expression changed rather quickly. She didnt want to scare her friend.

They both talked more about the strange happenings in the village before Nakai had to head back home. If she stayed any longer, the creatures of the night would ravage her for sure. She passed her mother's regards to Sekai's mother before heading out, her own mother had decided last minute that the bananas she had wanted to send had been a bit much thus she had refrained from it.

The sun was fast moving down and most of the cloud cover had cleared, leaving the sunset and the few clouds left behind to create a beautiful purplish spectacle. Sekai and Nakai sauntered down the road as fast as they could, talking more about the odd village events, a few souls passed them by on their way from their fields, clutching their hoes and looking quite weary. As Sekai was about to turn around and head back down the path, she heard the persistent sound of a gong, constantly growing louder and louder until the village crier came into view shouting from the top of his voice as soon as he saw them.

'Villagersof Rujeko, heed these words. The annual sparring contest is to be held in aweek's time. A reminder to all participants, may the gods prepare you.'

The Legend of Hombarume (Legends Series, #1)Where stories live. Discover now