5. Troops and a Meeting in a Kingdom

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As the city building was going smoothly Dariel can be seen in front of the Buckingham Palace gates.

[ I will need to summon those military troops if there are those goblins lurking around there a chance that they will attack my citizens. ]

Dariel summoned 500 military troops, as flashes of light flickered throughout the area, men wearing green suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

They were carrying heavy backpacks and M4A1 assault. They then formed an organized line which were very clean to look at and also showed their discipline. After that they immediately saluted Dariel he saluted them back and said " at ease "all of them stopped saluting Dariel in unison.

A notification suddenly appeared in front of Dariel. [ Congratulations you have summoned your First troops,You have received a UH - 1 Huey helicopter, You have received a M48 Patton tank .]

[What with this American Vietnam War weapons as prizes. At least I don't have to worry about scouting this land because of the helicopter. The tank I think that will do for now. I can summon helicopters but the problem is it's prize in GCS is gonna make me broke fast. And also I don't know how to pilot it. I immediately change the role of the two soldiers in front of me to pilot and Co pilot. After I changed their roles their outfit and weapons immediately changed to weapons used by the military helicopter pilots. I immediately assigned roles to other soldiers such as infantry, medics, various types of military engineers. I also gave roles to a tank crew. ]

Dariel immediately ordered the 2 pilots to scout the areas that they haven't reached via air. The 2 pilots immediately run towards the helicopter. The sound of the engine of the Huey vibrated through the air and its twin blade rotor started to rotate at high speeds. Thump, thump, thump, thump.... was the sounds produced by it the helicopter took off the ground and started to head towards, the north as it was the least explored area.

As the helicopter was scouting and have covered a distance of 100 Km. The Co pilot was observing the area until he noticed something. He then reported it to the pilot.

" Sir I saw structures about 800 metres west sir"

The pilot immediately turned to the direction where the CO pilot noticed the structures. As they got near they saw tents built around the area the CO pilot the use his binoculars to investigate further on the area.As he was looking through the binoculars he let out a shocked voice.The pilot the asked him to to take over the controls and borrowed the binoculars. They then continued to their mission, they managed to cover a distance of 300 Km.They were able to cover that distance because the helicopter didn't carry anything heavy on it. They returned to their base after the pilot noticed that they were running out of fuel.

"Hey sir do you think we need to report what we saw to sir Dariel." Asked the CO pilot.

"The pilot then replied, He'll definitely ask as of what we saw so no need to worry about Sir Dariel ignoring the things we saw today. "

Mean while.....

Kingdom of Sirius in their capital city Ram in a castle located in the city a man wearing a full body plate armour and had a sword in his waist, was speaking to a man who was sitting in a throne, the man wore a crown above his head which was made by gold and has different rare stones attached to it. He had a white beard and white hair looked like in his 50s.

The man said in a worried voice " Your majesty we have received a report early this morning, the report stated that the kingdom of Larkum has declared war on its neighbouring countries... " the man sitting on the throne stopped the man speaking by raising his hand while his palm was open.

" I know your concern as the prince went to one of the neighbouring kingdoms for a vacation that idiot son of mine must be brought back here as we are the 2nd most powerful country in this continent. Do you think other countries will still look at us as the 2nd powerhouse of this continent if the ruler next to me will be killed by those weak country. Immediately assemble the best knights there is and prepare them for a rescue mission of the prince. "

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