10. Reason of Them Being Here and Funeral

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[The island size is 36,169 km² its size is the same as a country in your old world sir Dariel. It is the same size as the country of Taiwan. The shape of this island is a perfect circle. So building a shipyard can help you explore the seas of your island, ships are also advantageous as they can travel longer distances. So do you want me to repeat it again sir Dariel? ]

"No need I have already made you repeat it 5 times but you summarized it to be shorter.If I'm gonna make you repeat again I'm sure you're still gonna summarize it again into a shorter one. You even forgot to explain what's the use of the airport in exploring the island. Replied Dariel to Dominic. "

Loreen was looking at Dariel who was thinking too deep. She then asked Dariel "is there something wrong sir Dariel?"

"Nothing is wrong I'm just thinking about what you just said now. Hmm.... wait if you say that this was a remote island then how did you get here?"

Loreen was about answer to Dariels question but was interrupted by Jones coughing, Loreen immediately grasped the meaning of Jones fake cough. " Sir Dariel I think Mr. Jones can answer your question. " Dariel immediately changed his attention from Loreen to Jones.

Jones spoke " Sir Dariel I can explain why we got here even with the dangers of the island. As you can see I am the vice-captain of the ship, that these poor ladies were in.It was about a month ago we were traveling from the city of Zir to the city of Halary. Our travel was actually very smooth at first, our ship took a route that would only take 5 days to get to Halary. But we were blocked by Duke Allan's navy as there were sea monsters spotted on the route we were taking. The navy was subjugating the sea monsters and didn't want any normal ships to be a burden to them when subjugating the monsters. Because of this, our captain was forced to take another route. The second route was safe but the problem another 2 days will be added to reach the city of Halary. As we were traveling using the new route our ship has taken. We were ambushed by a fleet of pirate ships. The pirates took the opportunity as Duke Allan's navy wasn't patrolling the sea because of the subjugation of sea monsters. Our ship was being chased by pirates. Captain took the decision to travel near the entrance of this island as it would attract the sea monsters. It was a double-edged sword, it was us or the pirates who're gonna attract the monster. We were a chase for half a day until we arrived at the entrance of this island.The captain has made his resolve to use this tactic to divert the attention of the pirates from us to the monsters roaming. A passenger of the ship immediately panicked after seeing the decision of the captain. The passenger immediately fought with the captain on the control of the wheel. Because of that idiot, the ship changed course and was going to a shallow part were sharp rocks formed. It caused the ship to leak water inside the ship, but that was not our only problem as monsters were speeding up to our direction. When the monsters arrived near the ship they started fighting each other, because of their battle the ship got hit by one of the monsters destroying it.As this happened passengers of the ship hung into the floating debris all over the place. Some were eaten by monsters, the lucky ones were brought by the currents to the shores of this island. 18 of us manage to reach the shores of this island. 10 males including me and 8 girls, we were starving and started to look for food in the forest. unluckily for us, we were attacked by goblins and manage to kill 6 of the men who tried protecting the woman.We were captured the men who were left alive were treated as food. While the woman was treated as playthings and we're forced to breed with the goblins. It was then you came into our rescue sir Dariel."

Hearing this Dariel immediately understood the condition of the people in front of him. " I understand your situation, but I want to know are you people planning to stay here, or you have plans to return to your country.

Hearing these Loreen immediately asked Dariel in an excited voice " What do you mean a return to our country, do you mean you can provide us transportation if we chose to return. "

Dariel immediately replied " Well as you can see I can provide transportation but, it would take another two months to complete the city near the sea. "

All of them laughed at Dariel as they heard him say that he can build a city in just two months. Rica immediately said to Dariel while laughing " Sorry sir Dariel but building a city in just two months is Impossible. "

Dariel's immediately replied, " Well to tell you the truth this city will be completed in this month, but we only started to construct this city last month."

Hearing this all of them were surprised Loreen immediately some her thoughts " I guess I can believe you now I saw those giant beast made of iron were helping you in building this city.Also, the technology of this city even beats the common sense of this world. "

Dariel immediately asked them " if anyone of you wants to stay here come look for this man in my left his name is Joey Potestas.If you want to leave come directly to me. Now that will be all as I will be attending a funeral of the soldiers.

Dariel held a funeral to the fallen soldiers, he had lost 12 of his men. The men were given a 21 gun salute before their burial. Dariel ordered Raymond to build a cemetery for heroes and asked that the soldiers who died to be buried there.He also ordered to build a pillar were the names of heroes will be craved to the pillar the first names to be written in the pillar was all of the 12 soldiers who died.

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