21. Contact

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Lights appeared on the 4 ships blinding the pirates. The captain immediately smiled and told his subordinates. " Don't worry, I have a teleportation scroll, the magical essence of their mage is still left all over the place so we can still pinpoint their location". The captain immediately sniffed the air and smiled. " Found you bastards" He the throw the scroll up in the air opening it, a flash of light surrounded the pirates and the kraken.

The hired ships were teleported to another location, the crew of the burning ship managed to put out the fire.Marie and the old man were confused as they didn't know what place they were teleported to.The old man asked Anya who was in a weak state " Young lady can you tell us were did your spell brought us." Anya triedto reply even a weak state " I teleported us to somewhere we can get help". Anya fainted after talking.

Marie was looking around the area and noticed something that almost made her angry, which made her yell to Anya even in another ship.

" Fuck she didn't brought us where we could get help, she brought us in the entrance of the "Island of no return " She screwed us this time we must throw her as to act a decoy for the monsters."

Prince Eric who heard Marie complain yelled back to Marie " Is that how you say thank you to someone who saved your life. " Marie responded " Well fuck you! she didn't save us she brought us to our doom".

A horde of monsters started to swim towards the 4 ship which was immediately noticed by the old man. " Hey you two stop yelling the monsters are coming, and yet your still fighting." They immediately stopped yelling at each other after hearing the old man.

Marie ordered his men to retreat, the old man also ordered his men to retreat. As they were retreating a flash of light flashes in front of them. After the light disappeared, everyone on the ships were dumbfounded as the pirates managed to chase them by also using teleportation magic.

The captain of the pirates immediately ordered the kraken tamer to, command the kraken to destroy the ships.

The kraken immediately followed the tamer's orders and rushed toward the ships.

The people in the ships felt that their hope has lost. Pirates and the kraken in front of them, whilehorde of monsters on their back. They felt that they were prey trapped by two predators.

The kraken managed to get to one of the ships and raised it's tentacle to hit the ship.The kraken was about to hit the ship with its giant tentacle. A loud noise suddenly heard from the distance, which came from the fog covering the entrance of the "island of no return" they thought it was only lightning, but after a few seconds the tentacle of the kraken exploded.The kraken's tentacle fall off after the explosion which surprised all the people who saw this.

The Kraken immediately roared in anger and raised all of its tentacle to attack the ships he planned to sink, to the surface 7 giant tentacles were visible. After a few moments they heard multiple explosion from the fog this time.Which targeted the tentacles, 4 tentacles fallen off from the kraken which caused it to run away back to the pirates.

They finally noticed that the monster weren't attacking them but were running away from something. They noticed the monsters were being chase by something under water which looked like a man's cock. One of the monsters got hit by one of the things and exploded underwater. After seeing this all of them were surprised. 3 the same exploding things also went under their ship and chased the kraken. When it managed to come in contact with the Kraken the explosion was more powerful from the others.It caused the water to raised 12 feet in the air the kraken immediately released ink and slowly died. But 3 more were actually still chasing after it which the kraken immediately tried to swim away even it is dying. Another explosion which caused the water to raise 12 feet from air again.

After seeing the kraken die the pirates immediately attacked the ships with their own cannons and started to get nearer the ships. The damaged ship was immediately hit and sunk to the ocean quickly. Only one ship was left with cannons,Marie's ship was the only ship that could defend them.She immediately ordered her men to open fire on the pirate ships. Her ship managed to hit two of the pirates ships in the hull forcing it to sink slowly. But she was already at a disadvantage as the pirates had more cannons and ship. Her ship received 48 cannon balls and hit every part of her ship making it sink. The two big ships also got hit and started to sink slowly. The pirates didn't stopped their bombardment even the ships were sinking.

They heard another explosion from the fog this time.A pirate ship suddenly exploded seeing this the pirates immediately looked at the direction of the fog.

They noticed agiant shadow was coming out of the fog and when the giant shadow finally got out of the fog.The pirates and even the people in the sinking ships looked at the direction and saw a giant fortress.

The captain of the pirates immediately shouted

" We have found a better treasure this time a floating fortress. We must have that fortress, if we have that we rule the sea. Attack but don't destroy it too much. "

Marie and the old man were scared at the giant fortress as it could be a enemy.

The pirates fired their cannon at the giant fortress, the pirates were surprised that the cannon balls bounced back like balls after firing at the fortress.

" Are those things made of iron " said the captain of the pirates.

Dariel's who saw the chaotic scene 4 ships sinking 15 ships started to attack them and the monsters were fleeing from seeing them.

After the actions of the ships to the Yamato, Admiral Jobert immediately ordered to sink the ships that attacked them. The AA guns were actually enough to attack the ships. "How dare they attack the Master Dariel's Navy". The Iowa came out of the fog, followed by the Bismarck, and the 4 destroyers.

The pirate captain immediately regretted his decision after seeing 2 more giant fortresses, and 4 slightly smaller ones came out of the fog.

The pirate captain immediately understood why the monsters were fleeing from the place. He immediately ordered his men to retreat.

The 2 Mutsuki destroyers fired there main guns at their fleeing ships. One of the pirate ships which was the farthest from the ships which is, estimated to be 1.3 km away from the Mutsuki destroyers, were actually the target after that the pirate ship exploded into pieces which was worsened by the gunpowder they carry.

After seeing the range of the attack of the fortress the pirate captain immediately, peed his pants. The attack of the two destroyers continued destroying every pirate ship with one shot. In just 4 seconds the destroyers managed to destroy 12 ships leaving 3 pirate ships. The destroyers continued to fire their guns without mercy at the pirates. The captain of the pirates exploded with his ship and was sunk down to the ocean.

Dariel was looking at his binoculars and saw people swimming from the 4 sunken ship.

He ordered Jobert to rescue the people of the sunken ships. Jobert was hesitant at first, as he thought that saving those people would cause harm to Dariel and the country.

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