Chapter Ten: Monsters.

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Snickers temporarily snapped her attention for a moment, and she turned to glare at Bael and Eiseth. They were honestly like children, despite probably being ten times older than her. The blush, however, was still crawling up her cheeks like a blooming rose.

Quick to change the subject, Annalise faced Eiseth with as much confidence as she could muster. "Eiseth, can you lead the way please?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at her pointedly. They were still somewhat a ways away from the vampires. Close enough to hear them, far enough not to see them.

With one final, secretive giggle, Eiseth nodded with a "Fine.". In a rush of adrenaline, and embarrassment, it only took a couple of seconds for them to find the herd of vampires. Huddled within a slight clearing of the dense forest. Immediately, a tall, spindly male stood up and in front of the remaining group.

He was pale, all limbs and bones and clearly underfed. He spat out a mocking laugh, running his tongue against his sharp incisor. "Who do you think you are?" The ring leader hissed, staring eerily directly at Eugene. It was clear he was aware of why they all were here. "Coming here to finish us off? Cause I'd love to see you try."

Despite his ballsiness, he was eyeing the obsidian flames that encaged them all warily. In fact, most of the vampires there seemed to be staring at the cackling fires with suspicious eyes. Some even began to cover the corpses of their friends protectively, as if Annalise and her friends had come to steal them.

A pinch of guilt stabbed at Annalise's heart.

But then the memories of Raul, a man larger than life itself, cradled in Cassius' arms and bleeding out hit her. There was no need for sympathy here. They had ganged up on one vampire unfairly. Raul never stood a chance. It wasn't fair.

"How many of them do you want alive?" Annalise asked Gene, still not able to look him in the eyes. She stared just above his head, towards the wavy mess his hair had become. He raised a blonde eyebrow in surprise then it settled into a solemn frown.


It was one word, but it seemed to change everything. The atmosphere shifted, the vampires all lurched upwards, including those that were protecting the bodies of their friends. Her own two friends tensed in preparation. The air was as thick as London fog with tension.

Bracing herself for the incoming onslaught, Annalise nodded, then jerked her head towards the two demons besides her. A gesture for them to 'go on'. There was a brief pause before Eiseth and Bael pounced on the vampires.

There was a harsh 'snap' as Bael began to transform, his bones and limbs blending into something terrifying. They outstretched into long spindly points, brown fur peeking out from his arms. He resembled a human sized tarantula with sharp teeth and a long tongue.

The nearest four vampires screeched as they were impaled on Bael's limbs.

Eiseth calmly walked forward, twirling her hair and swaying her hips seductively. The four other vampires in front of her gaped at her, mouths open and eyes hazed over. They listened to her every command as she controlled them with her beauty. And so, she ordered them to kill themselves.

To tear themselves apart with their hands and teeth until there was nothing left.

Both of them were brutal. Both of them were demons.

Other vampires attempted to charge at Annalise and Eugene; it was short-lived however. Annalise raised her hands, feeling a similar power coarse through her veins, charged by emotions. Exactly like when she was just a poltergeist. A spirit without a body. Telekinesis. With a huff of breath, a slight shove of her hands, 9 vampires were sent toppling to the ground. Halting them in their steps. 

It only lasted for a moment, and then the vampires were crawling to their feet again.

She bit her lip.

Deep black flames began to crackle and pop around the 9 vampires, seeping from the floor like serpents. They edged closer, and closer, causing the rogues to huddle up. Screaming and shouting obscenities at her, as the fire got too hot and too near. Annalise had to steal herself for this. Had to shut off the sympathetic part of her that couldn't kill. The part that was still human.

Hell had changed her, that was guaranteed. But it still couldn't get rid of the fact that she was part human. Her empathy twanged, and cringed. Screaming in her mind to stop, whispering in her ear 'monster'.

The flames edged closer.

And soon the smell of charred flesh soured the air around them. 

Eugene shifted slightly, moving to stand in front of her and the burning bodies. Blocking her off from the damage she had wrought. A sick kind of relief softened her body. Even though Gene hadn't necessarily been needed, she couldn't be more thankful that he had come with them. Gently, Annalise allowed her forehead to rest on his broad back, closing her eyes and breathing out of her mouth to avoid the smell.

If he was uncomfortable, he made no comment about it. Simply standing there, grounding her with his presence alone. Annalise took a slight peek around his back once she had calmed down enough, to take in the situation. Carefully avoiding sight of the burning bodies, the flames that had scorched them slowly dying down.

There were only three single vampires left alive now. Quickly gaining on the situation they attempted to get as far as possible from them. They couldn't get far from them however, as the flames cackled and enclosed them. 

With a kind of morbid curiosity Annalise watched as Bael's monstrous form crawled closer to the rogues, on all fours. He made a crackling noise with his extended tongue. His power of transformation on full display. The vampires began to shake, falling to the knees and begging him for mercy.

His two front limbs rose up, sharp points directly facing the group. Deftly, Gene stepped in front of her again. Blocking her from seeing the blood shed. The sound of flesh ripping apart was enough though. In moments, Bael stood besides, back in his human form, leading a shaken vampire covered in his friend's blood.

Eugene was right. One was all they needed.

Authors Note: 

Hey ya'll, i hope you enjoyed this chapter. Defo a little more darker than the other ones i've written so far. So i hope you enjoy it nonetheless.  How are you guys doing? 

Lots of love, 


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