Chapter Twenty One: Lower Marsh Market

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Her breath came in short bursts. One. Two. One. Two. Harvey was screaming for his brother, frantically grasping for his phone. Raul stood besides, still as a stone, one hand absently grasping his eye patch. Fuds of footsteps sounded, and the crash of a door opening. Eugene pounded into the living room, hissing and spitting curses as he and his brother began to discuss strategies.

One. Two. One. Two.

"We need to get there, asap." Eugene demanded, straightening his shoulders as he stood behind her watching the same broadcast. Harvey shook his head, scrolling on his phone so fast he almost dropped it.

"No. No. We can't just go there! For one, what are we going to do against a literal army Gene. And for two, what the hell are you thinking! It's bad enough that supernaturals have gone public now. We can't put our faces out there!" Harvey rationalised, eyes darting between his mobile and the tv.

"People are dying, and many more will die, Harvey. I can't just sit here and do nothing. So help me, we are going or-" Their panicked argument slowly dissipated to nothing but tv static. A blur, as her heartbeat thudded like a drum in her ear. Tunnel visioning to the chaos on the tv.

One. Two.



A child's body just off the side of the screen, covered by a larger portlier body. His dad.

One Two.

A hand clasping on her shoulder knocked Annalise out of her reverie. Raul stood, stony eyed, gazing at her. Giving her a hard nod, he turned back to face the two arguing brothers. She was thankful for the distraction. The solidarity amongst the rushing flush of static in her brain.

Eugene's pale face was flushed red with anger. She winced, as he shouted at Harvey.

"If we do nothing, then we are no better than them!" Gene argued. Of course Annalise agreed with him. She had never been the person to just sit back and watch as the world burned. Even when she was a poltergeist and could barely do anything. She still couldn't stand by.

To say it was daunting though, was something else. There were only the four of them, Bael, Eiseth, Victoria and Dawn were nowhere to be seen. Cassius had gone, deferring himself to sorting out Clan business in the meantime. It seemed almost...pointless. A death sentence if she was being honest with herself.

Annalise stilled herself, her mind immediately going back to the lifeless body of a child and his father on TV. They couldn't just sit here and wait. They had to act. As she opened her mouth to say something, it was Raul who spoke out. Before she could even utter a word.

"We go." Raul simply said, staring Harvey down. Harvey opened his mouth, then shut it once again and nodded firmly. He held out a hand, gesturing for them to wait for a moment.

"Just let me send out this alert to the Clans. It would be stupid to go there without any backup." Harvey replied, fingers flying as he sent out the text alert. He looked up at them, eyes peeking behind his long blonde bangs. Worry lines etched onto his forehead.

"I want it put on record. I don't think this is smart," The witch announced, pointedly looking at his brother. Gene rolled his eyes with a barely audible huff.

"Fine. If anything goes wrong, you can get an award okay. Can we get going now?" Gene said, his deep voice dead as he glared at his brother. Harvey grimaced, but nodded, reaching out for the others to hold his hand. Reluctantly, Gene placed his hand in his brothers. Raul stood on the other side, hand in Harvey's as Annalise held onto Eugene's hand.

The floor fell from beneath them, and the tell-tale blue smoke wrapped around their legs. Instead of a sofa, large green, overfilled bins greeted their eyes. It stunk of damp mould, and rotting food. It was disgusting.

"Where are we?" Annalise asked, looking around, not realising she had yet to let go of Gene's hand. She almost regretted opening her mouth, when the sounds of screams and shouts echoed in the small alley they stood in. Harvey frowned.

"We're behind the market. I thought it was best we go in from a way they wont suspect." He admitted, wincing at the noises, guilty. "I just thought it would give us a few seconds to plan."

Gene looked at his brother for a pause before saying in a gravelly voice. "Good decision." He praised, and immediately the witch picked up a bit. "But we need to get going. Now." Harvey agreed, rushed.

"Right. I was thinking, me and Annalise can use magic, or some forms of it. We take them from the front, and act as a distraction while you two pick them off from the sides. We can hurdle them in once space and then we should have the best chance," Harvey rambled.

He wasn't wrong, demons did use a form of magic, but it was their own type different to humans or angels or any other supernatural. She thought of it like the different brands of cola. They all tasted the same, but each one had a slightly different secret recipe.

But that wasn't the point right now, she and Harvey could herd the Revolution into one area, they could corner them. It didn't matter how many supernaturals there were, if they had a decent strategy they could do it.

"Let's go then," Eugene agreed, Harvey and Raul began to make there way out of the alley and onto the streets, but before she could follow them a hand grabbed her arm, pulling her back.

This had to be the most serious she had ever seen him.

His eyes filled with grit, determination but yet underneath them was the current of worry. Lining his forehead with wrinkles, as his lips downturned. It looked like he wanted to back away, change his mind last minute. It was so unlike him.

"Just, just don't. Don't get hurt." Gene uncharacteristically stuttered. Her heart warmed, and she almost felt bad. They hadn't characterised their relationship yet, there were no words in the human language to define what they were to each other. But, the fact that he cared so much about her, never failed to make her feel giddy inside.

"I promise," Annalise smiled, childishly holding out her pinkie finger. He hooked his pinkie finger in hers without asking. Then kissed her forehead ever so gently, she could barely feel it.

"Move it guys!! Or get a room!" Harvey called from the end of the alleyway, crossing his arms. It was time to go. She dashed after them, Eugene close behind.

The bad feeling in her stomach, never left. 


Authors Note: 

Hey guys!! MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I hope you had an amazing Christmas, if that's what you celebrated! I took the time off a bit, to celebrate with family and friends but now im back and writing should be back to the normal schedule. 

I just want to say thank you so much for this year, my first ever book received so much love and still is. Im incredibly thankful for all your support. It means so much to me. 

That being said, i have many more books to come ;) 

Do you guys have any new years resolutions yet? 

I hope you guys are well and enjoyed this chapter. 

Lots of love, 


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