Chapter Twenty: Beginning

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Annalise was right. And for the first time, maybe ever, she didn't want to be. There had been someone watching them. No, stalking them more accurately. When they slept, when they ate, when Eugene and her got together. Someone had been watching them the entire time.

It was violating.

But that wasn't even the worst part about it. The worst part was there was not a single thing they could do to stop it. Annalise hadn't been the one to find out about this, of course she hadn't. Too lost in her new relationship with Eugene, she'd missed the obvious signs, ignored the creeping suspicions and pushed them away as just anxiety.

God, she could barely stand herself.

It was her two demonic friends that figured it out first. More specifically Bael. Eiseth and Bael couldn't stay with them permanently. Constantly going back to hell when one or two more duties popped up. They had jobs there, they belonged there, unlike Annalise who was just a passing figure.

Bael, the demon of torment, had gone back to his usual job of torturing lost souls. A rather morbid job, but it suited him to the letter. It was on a random Tuesday afternoon when he just happened to be antagonising a human soul, who revealed that during his lifetime on earth he'd met an angel. And not just any angel. An angel who could combust people from the inside out.

The fact that a human had been in contact with an angel in the first place, was cause for concern. During her time in hell, her auntie had informed her that angels had strict regulations and requirements. The main one being that they could not, under any circumstances, intervene in human matters.

So, an angel who'd communicated with a human, practically unheard of. Now, one that could combust people from the inside out, just like what had happened with Robert? The chances were slim to none.

But even this wasn't enough to confirm that this was the person who had been there that day in the apartment. It just wasn't substantial enough to confirm Annalise's sneaking suspicion that they were being watched.

That was until one morning, when Eugene had stepped outside the bungalow to get the vampire's stocks of blood to keep them going. He had found two arm length feathers delicately placed on the outside porch.

It was intentional. It was a threat.

These weren't just feathers of a bird, way too large for any species in the UK. The colour alone was enough of a give away, a holy, untainted blinding white. Like the first drops of snow in winter. Annalise was a firm believer in 'there's no such things as coincidences'. And too many of them were adding up.

This was clearly the person who blew up Robert.

And to make matters worse, the Revolution had gone quiet. Like the calm before the storm, none of the supernatural clans they had been in contact with had heard not single word from them. No locations, no new movements. Nothing.

Like they hadn't even existed in the first place. It was unsettling in the depths of her bones. Annalise could barely keep still these days. 

Something was going to happen soon, and it wasn't going to be pretty.



It was a perfectly normal day, just like any other. Andrea had taken her two children out for the local food shop at Lower Marsh Market. It was fairly busy, just like it normally was for London. Her two children, Micheal and Daisy had gotten slightly ahead of her, rushing about in their excitement as she watched on with a grateful smile. She'd bundled them up in layers, the chilly morning cold of England seeping through all their clothes.

Later on that day, she was going to take them out to get their favourite takeout. Whatever they wanted, she would get it for them. They'd struggled so much this year, after losing their father in a car crash. But despite that, this week her teenage son had passed all his exams with flying colours. And her much younger daughter had passed her spelling tests.

Andrea adored her children more than anything in the world. She'd been devastated after her husband died, but for her children and for his memory she kept going. She got up every day, took them to school, went to work and picked them up. She did her best to move on. But it was in these moments when she was so proud of her kids, she missed him the most. She just knew he would be ecstatic for them.

Screams, cries and shouts burst her eardrums. Causing her heart to drop to her stomach. Crowds began to rush past her, pushing and shoving in a panic to get away from something. Immediately her thoughts returned to her two children. Andrea needed to get to them. She needed to get them, and get out. Now.

In the sudden rush of crowds she couldn't see anything, couldn't move, could barely breathe. She was getting knocked around like a pinball, unable to move anywhere else but where the crowds were taking her.

"DAISY!! MICHEAL!!" Andrea shouted so loud her voice became hoarse. "DAISY, MICHEAL!!". But no one could hear her over the loud banging noises from behind her, and the cries of the people around her.

A sudden sharp pain pierced her shoulders, throwing her to the ground with a violence that knocked the breath out of her. Before she could even think of getting up again, someone was on top of her.

She buckled, and struggled to get out of the hold. But the person holding her down was inhumanely strong and she barely moved. Andrea could do nothing as her throat was torn out by sharp teeth.

Blood bubbled in her mouth and over her lips, as she gurgled screams.

Her very last thoughts were of Micheal and Daisy.


Annalise was watching the news with Raul and Harvey when it happened. An alert blared on the screen bright red, as the newscaster interrupted the daily telling of the weather. 

"We interrupt this broadcast to announce there has been a terrorist attack on the Lower March Market in London this morning. There has been several casualties so far, and more predicted to be announced later on, as the situation is still ongoing. People are being reportedly held hostage, on what seems to be a massacre. A witness has stated that the terrorists were moving at inhumane speeds,"

"Some have even said that there were monsters- but there will be more on that later. We will keep you updated as we hear it, live here on News UK Now-"

Only one thought echoed throughout Annalise's mind as she stood up, sided by Raul and Harvey.


The Revolution had begun.


Authors Note-  

Hey ya'll how did you like this chapter! I told you things were going to pick up ;) Let me know what you think! I appreciate all the comments and likes, it means so much to me.

Hope you guys are doing well, 

Lots of love, 


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