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"Hello everyone. My name is Kiyomi. Please take care of me."

It was finally the day! Kiyomi was finally going to the same school as the love interests. He was lucky he had class with two of them

The short boy with pink colored eyes was told to sit in the empty seat in the middle row towards the back. Right next to one of the love interests.

His name was Naoko Sora . He had light purple hair and long bangs that covered his eyes. His pink, plump lips moved downward slightly. His cheeks flushed a bright red. He looked tense.

Kiyomi smirked then winked at the shorter boy.

Everyone in the class saw that gesture of his. Some thought he was weird. Others thought he was cute. While the one it was directed to was so flustered by it, he almost passed out.

Kiyomi sat in his seat. He could feel the little glances directed his way. From the corner of his eye, he saw the violet haired boy's ears tint into a light red.

Sora was the fourth love interest and the least popular out of all five of them. He was skinny and shorter than the other love interests. All the other capture targets were lean or somewhat muscular and tall.

Sora was also the easiest route to acquire. Whether it was the good or bad ending of his.

He fell for the female lead the fastest out of all the capture targets. He had fallen in love with Kana after she helped him up when he was pushed down in the hall. She was being kind to him and Sora had never really experienced such kindness from the people around him and mistook what he was feeling for love.

Sora was also the most obsessive. He stalked the player (as did the other three yanderes) and emotionally manipulated her into staying with him. In the bad ending, he kills the female lead and then himself.

Kiyomi won't let that happen. He is different from Kana and is not doing this just to be 'nice'. He finds Sora absolutely adorable and will protect him at all costs. All the other male leads too.


It was finally time for lunch! Kiyomi wanted to invite Sora to eat with him, but his seat mate left as soon as the bell rang.

Kiyomi obviously knew where Sora went (since he played the game) but another opportunity had arose.

The second male lead was sitting alone in the corner of the classroom. Silently reading his book and eating his home-brought lunch.

His name was Tanaka Rin. He had silky golden hair and dark, silver eyes. His blazer was  hanging on the chair and his white undershirt was slightly undone at the top. Although his uniform wasn't on properly, no one told him anything.

Rin was from a huge prestigious family that often funded the school. No one dared to correct the third and youngest son of the Tanaka family.

There was a rumor going around about Rin's first brother. It was said that he was punished for arriving late to class. That school was closed down for unknown reasons a few days later.

Some people believed the school closed down because of their parents, while others think it was because of the eldest son's own connections.

Anyways, Rin is rich and for the most part, pure.

Kiyomi got up from his seat and went to sit in the empty desk in front of the blonde.

From everyone else's perspective, it looked like Rin was purposely ignoring Kiyomi as he didn't greet him once he sat down. In reality, the blond male was just so into his book, he didn't realize the new student had taken the seat in front of him.

"Hello~ what's your name?" Kiyomi had asked. It was only then that Rin had realized someone new was in his presence.

"Huh...I'm Tanaka Rin..."

His voice sounded tired. Like he had just woken up. It was honestly hot.

In front of Rin was a boy. A boy with black hair and pink eyes. He looked similar to the girl two classes over that tried to introduce herself to him in the canteen.

He thought she was cute, but then she started talking to him. Rin ended up  zoning out and was only thinking about the bread he bought.

"It's nice to meet you..." Kiyomi rested his head on the palm of his hand, "Would you mind showing me the way to the cafeteria? I'm new here and don't know my way around."

Kiyomi did know his way around. Not because he played the game, but because his beloved sister decided to show him around the school along with Issac. The whole time they were just talking to each other, and not even trying to include Kiyomi.

Well...Issac tried, but Kana changed the topic right after.

At this moment, Kiyomi was walking around with Rin. The rose eyed boy talked about himself and his sister and went on a whole rant, while the blond male just listened patiently.

As they turned the corner. Kiyomi saw a random person (who was only there for plot purposes in the game) shove Sora into the wall.

This was a very special scene in "LIFE: Love is us". This was Kana's and Sora's first encounter. Kiyomi was not going to let Kana steal Sora away, so he did the first thing that came to mind.

Kiyomi punched the guy in his face, grabbed both Sora and Rin, then made a run for it.

A few moments later, Kana turned the corner to see a boy on the floor and bleeding from his mouth and a bruise on his cheek. She quickly hurried to him and asked if he was okay.

Being seduced by the Kana's charm as the game MC, the boy blushed brightly and allowed himself to be taken to the infirmary by the unknown girl.


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