ᴄʜ. 𝟷𝟼

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"What are you doing here?" They were together in the empty classroom. The halls were bear of any human presence along with the school yard.

"I wanted to see you." The raven belle was sitting on his desk. Uniform undone the slightest bit to reveal his smooth, pale collarbone. His dainty hands pulled slightly on the already loose tie as his tongue dragged across his vibrant lips. The sun was still setting from behind. Perfectly highlighting his thin figure.

He felt his mouth go dry. His hands itched to caress the soft supple skin. He reached out, as if his body reacted on its own. Yearning for the smaller male in front of him.

"Can I...," he swallowed. Few moments of hesitation before he continued his question. "Can I..touch you..?"

"If that's what you desire..." his voice grew deep. Further igniting the heated throbbing in places left unmentioned.

He sat up. It was still dark outside with the moon shining brightly into the room. Illuminating the familiar surrounding before bringing attention to the pointed region of his blanket and the uncomfortable tension between his legs.

Embarrassment danced from ear to ear before enveloping the entirety of his body. Small beads of sweat dribbled down his spine. His hands shook as he moved to pull the soft blanket.

He closed his eyes. Too ashamed to see the mess, but recounting the sharp gaze trailing up his body and the slow movements enticing him further. The way he spoke and his gentle touch. It was all...exasperating.

He felt shame and anger. At himself mostly for allowing such devious images to enter his mind, but also at the cunning little fox for sneakily crawling his way into his life. Meddling with his thoughts.

He will not behave based on random acts of lust. It was only a one time thing and it probably only happened because he hasn't been able to relieve himself.

He reached over to check his phone.  It was 1:46 in the morning.

He sighed. It wasn't going down and he refused to do anything with the last thing on his mind being that sneaky little twerp.

He got up out of his bed and made his way into the bathroom. Turning the nob and stripping himself of every piece of clothing. The cold air brushed lightly against his bare skin. Causing small goosebumps to form along the curves of his arms.


It was Monday morning! Kiyomi's mind is refreshed and his body feels rejuvenated. The weekend at Rin's was just what he needed to prepare for the hardships of school.

Why does this game have to take place at a school? He couldn't help but think as he walked to said institute. Why not over the summer at some overseas internship?"

"Good morning, Kiyomi!" Sora called out to him as he ran to catch up with the other.

"Soraaa~! Why do we have to go to school?" He questioned rhetorically. Taking the opportunity to dramatically wrap his arms around Sora's shoulders and rub his cheek against the other.

"Because you need the education."  The monotone voice of Rin tickled his ears. "You can't get anywhere without a good education."

"Rin! I missed you so much!"  Just as he did to Sora, Kiyomi wrapped his arms around the blonde. Hands caressing his waist as he looked up into the gray hues.

"Oh? Where's Haruki?" Sora asked his best friend.

"He doesn't like walking to school."

At that moment, a sleek onyx car drove past the three. It's windows tinted. The car was moving at a rather fast speed for such a suburban neighborhood. If they weren't careful, they could have been run over.

"Do you think that was Haruki?"

"Uh..no. He's not coming to school today—" Rin paused. "Why are you two so interested?"

"Wouldn't it be fun to include him in our little adventures?" Kiyomi answered.


"Kiyomi! Good morning. How was your weekend?" He heard the familiar voice of Issac call out to him. He grew nearer with each step towards the group of three.

"I enjoyed it very much, but these two completely left me alone all Saturday!"

"Oh! Right! You spent the weekend at his house." He referred to Rin.

"Where's Kana? I thought she'd be with you." Kiyomi attempted to look over Issac for the brunette, but he was too tall.

"She left with another girl from our class I think." He shrugged. "I was a couple houses down from your's when she texted me, but I think she was already gone."

"Um..we should hurry to school," Sora's soft voice sounded as he lightly tugged on Kiyomi's uniform.

Narrowed eyes drifted from the man in front of them to the minuscule action done by the smaller male.

"Your right!" Kiyomi shouted. "I rather not be late." He grabbed a hold of Issac's hand before tugging him forward.

A little bit of red tinted the tips of Issac's ears. Going unnoticed by only one.

Just around the corner they turned to see huge crowds of students surrounding a single man as he got out of a black car. The crowd was blocking the entrance to the school. It was a wonder to how there weren't any teachers outside trying to calm the commotion.

"He's finally back. I was wondering how long he'd be gone." Issac mumbled to himself.

Kiyomi jocked his head to look over at Issac. "Who?"

"Oh right, sorry. I forgot you transferred after." Issac nervously scratched the back of his head as his other hand held onto the strap of his school bag. "That's Satomi Arai."

Finally! Kiyomi thought to himself. Obviously he already knew who it was, but still! His big rose eyes sparkled with the fireworks igniting in his brain. A big wide smile spread across his handsomely, dazzling face.

The final love interest was finally here!

"Let's get to class." Rin suggested, but the little gremlin was already gone.

They all could hear the faint bells signaling the great doom on its way. Oh...wait. It was just the school bell.


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