ᴄʜ. 𝟷𝟾

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Arai walked into his classroom. He was 15 minutes late, but the teacher welcomed him in with open arms.

"Arai! Welcome back. We are so happy to see you perfectly fine and healthy.

"Arai you're back!"

"It's nice to see you!"

"Where did you go? You can't leave us for so long!"

Many students echoed throughout the class. Greeting their King who's been gone for over a month.

"Who's that?" Kana whispered to Issac as they all fawned over the unfamiliar student.

"That's the guy who hasn't been in school, remember?

"The one who used to sit in this seat?"

"Yeah, but he's a nice guy so I'm sure he'll let you keep sitting there."

Kana looked over to the young man again. He was super handsome and his smile certainly brightened the room. Before he arrived, the entire class was silent as the teacher spoke tiredly over the content of the new lesson.

As she was starring at the new (to her) student, his blue hues glanced over her peers before falling on her. His eye contact spooked her a little and she felt a shiver run up her arms.

She looks like the guy from earlier.

'How do you know it wasn't her you saw?'

Because she has brown hair.

'Is that really it?'

Well no. The guy had brighter eyes. Like they were literally shining. And longer lashes, too. His lips had more color to them, but I don't think he had lip gloss on.

'How did you even see that from so far away?'

What catches my eyes stays printed into my mind.


Their eyes were interlocked for a good 25 seconds before Arai continued. He then saw the guy sitting next to her.

That's why he seemed vaguely familiar

Everyone in the class saw their King Arai pay extra attention at the new student that transferred a few weeks ago. Immediately everyone assumed he had taken a liking to her. She was decently pretty and all, but their Arai cannot belong to only one person! Some, especially the other girls in the class, glared back at her.

Kana paid no attention to the sneers she received and only kept looking at the handsome young man upfront. She felt a mini connection. Sparks flying when their eyes locked. It was only for a moment, but it had to be love at first sight.

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