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"KIYOMI!" he heard a monstrous cry followed by his bedroom door slamming open.

"What the fuck-!"

Kiyomi was laying down on his bed, playing a game on his phone, but jumped up from the sudden noise.

His twin sister was standing in the door frame. Her rose colored eyes were covered by her bangs and her breathing fastened. Her soft hands clenched the door knob tightly.

"Kiyomi...." she paused, "....let m...do you.....up"


She looked up. Fierce flames sparked in her eyes.

"Let me do your makeup." Kana said sternly.


"Because I want to see how it would look on me!"  Kana practically shouted. Luckily, their mom wasn't home, so she wouldn't come and see what was happening.

"I don't want to." Kiyomi laid down once again. His back facing his poor twin sister.

Of course, Kana wasn't having it.

She gathered as much strength was she could and launched herself onto his bed. Her whole body collided with the soft cushioning, but this impact caused Kiyomi to fly into the air and dramatically fall just beside his bed and right on his butt.

"I wasn't asking."


Issac knocked on the door of the twins' house. Shouting was heard from the inside and it sounded like glass was breaking.

Issac regretted coming over per Kana's request.

Maybe they didn't hear the knock...I'll just leave quickly...

But it was too late.

Just as Issac was about to turn, the door opened revealing a short girl with long black hair.

Her plump lips glistened with the cherry red lip gloss and her smooth, milky skin was covered with the faintest bit of blush. Her long, dark eyelashes complimented her beautiful rose pink eyes perfectly.

To Issac, she looked absolutely dazzling.

A wave of red washed across his almond skin. He couldn't help but to gaze into her eyes.

Her lips stretched into a cunning smile and her eyes held mischief that Issac was too blinded by her beauty to see.

She motioned Issac to bend down a little, not saying a word.

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