14. In-laws

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I speak to a few of the guests

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I speak to a few of the guests. They congratulate me and I think them for being here.

I make my way over to Bennu's family. But I guess officially, they're mine too now.

I smile at them, "hello, my new in-laws."

They all smile back, matching my excitement. Matteo in particular. That boy has enough energy for the whole family. And there's a lot of them.

He hugs me, "congrats Sis."

I hug the rest of them, they all congratulate me in their own, unique ways.

"Hey, is Ben okay... he kind of looks like he saw a ghost?" Giovanni asks.

"Um, yeah. He's okay. He's been fine the whole time. We hugged, kissed. Talked. And then I introduced him to T, my bridesmaid and official best friend. I made them hug. They both kind of looked like they'd seen a ghost afterwards. I don't know why. Maybe because they look creepily similar..." I tell them.

"Maybe he saw Mum in her." Nikolai states, sending me a small smile.

"Yeah, that's possible." I agree. "But, it's time for the speeches!" I say excitedly.

I did tell Thalia to prepare. She has been shitting herself ever since. I know she hates this type of stuff. I did say she didn't have to but she insisted.

Everyone takes their seats around their tables.

Will goes first, Bens best man. He's sort of the twins, Dom and Matteo's best friend, but he gets on with all the boys. I think Ben didn't want to choose between his brothers so he chose his good, good mate.

His speech is hilarious. Ben looks embarrassed but happy. Also a little nostalgic. A few people cry at the more heartfelt segment of the speech. But it doesn't last for long. Most of the time Will is reciting embarrassing stories and telling everyone how much of a dickhead Ben was when Will used to go round their house when Ben was still living there. He talks about when he first saw Ben after our first date. And how he had announced at the dinner table, "she's the one I want to marry." My heart warms at that and I feel my eyes get a little wet. Ben pulls me into a side hug and whispers how much he loves me repeatedly.

Will takes a seat on Bennu's other side. And now it's Thalias turn to speak. She looks a little constipated and scared. I tell her she'll do fine. I can tell she doesn't believe me.

She makes her way to the microphone and picks it up off of the mic stand and holds it to her mouth. "Hello, everybody." She says, trying to sound as enthusiastic and confidently as possible. Failing a little. She starts her speech s little awkwardly, but soon finds her rhythm. She looks like she's lost in a memory. "It's funny, really. Because you would think that to be somebody bridesmaid you'd have to know them long enough to tell all these stories from your childhood. Well, I'm only 16 and we met last week." The crowd laughs and Ben looks a little confused. "So, we didn't meet because a teacher put us next to each other on a seating plan. We met on a train track. I was doing some... graffiti. Please don't call the police. And I see a woman walking towards me. In a black suit and stilettos. I was confused, not going to lie. Then when she reached me she accused me of being the one who put the graffiti on the wall. Unbelievable, right? I told her no way. And that someone threw the bottle at me and then sprinted off moments before. But then she pointed to my face. And I realised there was blue spray paint all over me. Busted. So then we got up off the tracks and we sat down on a bench. You know, I always tell Nadine that the only reason I'm hanging out with her is because she caught me committing the crime. But honestly, I would've said yes anyways. I mean, who doesn't want free food, am I right?"

Someone shouts, "hell yeah" , from one of the tables at the back.

T laughs. "But, I really, really think that Nadine walking over to me was fait. Because of my stupid behaviour, I met my best friend. And I'm grateful for it. I really, really am. Bennu, you are a lucky man. This woman is beautiful from the inside out. She's funny, I can't believe I'm admitting that. And she loves so fiercely it's admirable. She's generous. She brought me a whole wardrobe. There's no doubt this woman is a little mad, but that just makes me love her even more. So, the Ford family, you have a great new addition to your family. You should feel honoured and lucky. But she's also lucky to have you! Bennu, take care of my girl. She deserves the world."

I smile so hard I think my jaw might break. Tears are streaming down my face, unstoppable. I am sobbing so hard. I'm so grateful for this girl. She's so amazing. She really needs to believe it.

Thalia puts the microphone back and walks towards the table. Sitting down she looks at me nervously. "Was that alright?"

"Yes! Fuck yes!" I pull her into a tight hug. Now she's crying against my shoulder. "I love you, T."

She smiles, not one of those half smiles she does most of the time, she smiles, dimples showing. "I love you more." She says back.

"Impossible." I tell her.

She shakes her head like that's not possible in any reality.

After we cut the cake, I tell Thalia I want to introduce her to my in laws.

She says yes, nervously, but it was a yes nonetheless.

I drag her over to where the Fords are stood. I greet all of them with a hug, and Thalia stands awkwardly. Scratching her arm. I slap it and mouth "stop", it's a bad habit of hers.

"Everyone... this is Thalia..." I turn to her. "Oh my god, I don't know your last name!" I saw with wide eyes, laughing at how stupid that is.

She laughs awkwardly, "neither."

My smile falters. "I'm sorry." I whisper and she shakes her head like I'm being stupid for apologising.

I turn back to the 7 men. "Anyways... this is Thalia. Just Thalia. And she is my best friend, bridesmaid, and my number 1 supporter."

"Number 2" Bennu shouts form next to his brother, Dom.

Thalia rolls her eyes playfully, "I'll let you have number 1 spot. Husband and all. But if you were just her boyfriend, you'd be no.2"

"Never." He says, smiling, making me smile and blush and feel all giddy.

Thalia turns to me, "who said I support you, bitch?"

I laugh, nice Thalia has decided to peace out for the evening.

"Nice to meet you, Thalia." Rich said, Bennu's Dad.

Thalia turns to look at him and for a second she looks lost. He does aswell. They both look like they're the only people in an ocean that in reality, is fully of hundreds.

"You too." She says back.

He nods, forcing himself to look away as she does the same.

Each of Bennu's brother introduce themselves, the same moment happening over and over again.

"I did not even realise the extent of how much you look like all of them, T." I tell her.

She laughs, but weakly. "Yeah... a little too much."

"Yep, it's fucking trippy." Matteo says, with an arm round two of his brothers shoulders.

"Gio, I think you found your long lost twin, bro." Dom jokes.

Gio laughs, but everyone can tell it was forced. He looks a little zoned out, hardly present.

"Well then, I'm gonna go to the bathroom. See ya." Thalia says, turning around and walking off. All the men watching her disappear intensely.

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