68. News

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Hello! Just wanted to thank everybody for making this story reach 40K views. Honestly, Thankyou sm. I appreciate all the support and even when u call me out for my unbelievably bad mistakes.

Love reading your comments so much!

Also, somebody asked about love interests.

Basically original, yes it was Will. But I sort of realised I wasn't cut out for writing about mentally greyer men. So I sorta made him brush Thalia off. And then she met the guy at the care home but he was never a love interest. And now we're onto Warren lol, but he's staying.

Lastly, once this book is done, who's book would you want next? One of the Fords, Warrens siblings, someone random? Lmk.


Two figures loom over me

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Two figures loom over me.

I keep seeing things and then nothing.


Again and again and again and again

"What the fuck did you do to her, Lottie?!" Someone whisper-yells, a hint of concern etched into every word they say.

"I don't know, she just...passed out." The other person says innocently.

"She just passed out. People don't just pass out." The person imitates the other.

"Yeah, they do. All the freaking time, Warren."


I shoot up into an upright position.

Someone puts their hand on my shoulder.

I breath heavenly, my shoulders tense.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" Lottie asks me, alarm in her brown eyes.

I nod repeatedly, "mhm."

"I think she's a little out of it." Lottie doesn't do a very good job at whispering to her brother.

I appreciate that they're not asking me what happened. I think they understand that asking someone what happened after they passed out because of what happened is much appreciated from said person.

Warren holds a glass of water to my lips, "drink some, you're probably dehydrated."

Not sure where the logic in that is but I take the glass from him and taken a few sips. "Satisfied?" I smirk.

"Not yet." There's only a glint of humour in his voice, the rest is filled with worry.

My smile drops, everything coming back to me.

The hall
The Fords
The storage room
The alley way
The news...


"Turn on the news!" I say to no one in particular. I scramble for the remote. Where is it where is it where is it. Need to find need to find need to find.

Lottie finds it first and then the Tv lights up. She tosses the remote around playfully.

I pin my eyes on the Tv.

".....the estate and every acre of land has been temporarily closed off to all family and anyone who steps on the property, will face a fine. Police are currently searching the building for any evidence to support the crime. Our hearts go out to anyone who has been a victim of...."

"Turn it off."

The Tv switches off.

I run a hand through my hair frantically.

The news reporter was stood outside her house.
That was her car on the drive.
They're talking about her.

I start sobbing into the palms of my hands.

The siblings immediately start comforting me. Even though my face is buried in my hands, I can feel their reassuring touches.

Warren rubs circles on my back soothingly and Lottie is tapping her fingers on my shoulder.

"What was that about?" There's an edge to the usually calm Warren.

"It's finally over."


Warren and Lottie tried to feed me. But I feel sick. Will they take me back? Forgive me?

"Can you take me to the Fords house?"

Warren looks knowing. They must have told him. "Yeah, course."

"Thankyou. Let's go." I'm already at the front door, the siblings on my trail.

"Woah, slow down, woman." Warren laughs lightly.

I don't bother waiting, I open the front door and fast walk over to his car. I wait by the back door anxiously, I'm expecting Lottie to come so I didn't go towards the passenger seat.

I was right, Lottie walks alongside Warren towards the car. She says something to me but I don't hear, I just fling open the door as soon as it unlocks.

Climbing into the back I wait for the car to start before rolling down the window. I need the air.

I feel like I might throw up.

Warren tells me something but I don't hear, again.

My legs bounces frantically and I can feel the sweat forming on me.

Unwanted negative thoughts cloud my vision.

All what ifs.

I think I might puke.

I take my seatbelt off, which causes a beeping noise (at least I heard something) and I stick my head out the window and instantly throw up.

I don't bother checking if the sick went on the car or not. I can't know. Because if it did go in the car, I'll worry about it and there's too much worry already.

I instantly recognise the beautiful Ford estate. The security open the gates for us and we dirge in. As soon as Warren stops the car I flung open the door and rush towards the front door to the house.

And then I stop.

This is a terrible idea

I turn on my heel and rush back to the car but a strong grip on my shoulders stop.

I get shaken which brings me back down to earth.

"Thalia, breathe."

I try. I really try. But I'm struggling.

There's not enough time to prepare myself because I hear voices so I turn around to see the door open and 7 familiar, shocked, faces staring back at me.

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