71. Mean girls

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The character for my next book is being introduced in this chapter

Try guess who it is!


I think I might throw up

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I think I might throw up.

Eveyones looking at the arm Warrens got round me.

You'd think having a friend at the school you're joining would make things easier. Not when said friend is popular. He failed to mention. Funny that.

Everyone is casting me curious glances - which I'll take any day of the week over judgmental ones.

Warren directs me to one of the vacant lockers. We walk through a big arch way into a locker area.

Warren stops in front of a locker and leans against the one next to it. He gestures his hand to the locker door.

I open it, look, then shut it again. Not really sure what I'm meant to say to a locker. "Wow?"

Warren laughs, he pushes off the locker and heads out the big arch way. "Now I'm gonna show you the football field, this is where you'll be screaming me name." He looks behind his shoulder and winks.

I roll my eyes and follow him outside.

As soon as I see the football field, I'm impressed. This is unknown in England. It's not like America where they have massive football pitches. We just have a field with uncut grass and two goals chucked at either end.

But this, this is cool.

Warren grabs only my hand and leads me over to the benches.

He sits down and pulls me down next to him. "This is where you'll sit at games."

"That's very cocky of you." A smile tugs at my lips.

"Oh is it now?" Warren smiles, wrapping his arms around me and nesting his head into the crook of my head.

Laughter breaks me out of my high. Mine and Warrens heads snap into the direction from where the laughter erupted from.

There's three girls, sat about 3 of 4 metres away from us. Two of them are snickering and laughing, their amusement obviously caused by me and Warren.

There's another girl, sat on the row one step higher. She offers me a small smile with an apologetic look in her eyes.

I smile back, grateful for the little things.

She gives her friends a little push on the shoulders each and whispers into their ears.

The two girls look at her with confusion and judgement before rolling their eyes and returning to their judgement.

Warren nudges me, "ignore them."

"School mean girls?" I roll my eyes at the cliche.

"Samira and Isobel - yes, but Tiffany's calm. Popular but nice. Although she tries to hide it." He responds.

It's pretty easy to figure out which one Tiffany is. My gaze unwillingly floats back to her. I get the idea that she has that affect on people. I mean, she's breathtakingly beautiful. No wonder she's popular.

Warren mouths something to her which makes her roll her eyes before picking up her handbag and walking over to us.

She sits herself behind me and Warren, just like she was behind her mates.

"Hi guys!" She smiles at both of us before directing her full attention on me. "I'm Tiffany, Warren hasn't shut up about you, so I already know who you are. Is that weird?"

I blush at her words and laugh, "no. That's not weird."

She breathes like she's relieved that I said she wasn't weird. Which is strange. Because I'm relieved that she doesn't seem territorial of Warren.

My eyes stray themselves back to the two girls not even trying to hide their curiousness.

Tiffany touches me gently on my shoulder, "hey, ignore them. They'll make fun of anyone no matter what they do."

I offer a small smile and nod my head.

The bell rings faintly. If any of us were speaking we wouldn't have heard it seeing as were outside.

Tiffany's face drops. Warren puts a hand on her shoulder, "Tiff...you can be late."

"I have to go." She states, she's no longer calm, in fact she's the opposite. She picks her bag up, mutters a small goodbye and walks back towards the main building. Her friends get up off of the bench and trial behind her like they're dogs and she's their master. I don't think she even tried to get their obedience, she just has it. And you can't hate her for that.

Warren shakes his head at the sight. "She's a control freak. Has to do things at the same time every damn day."

That must be an exhausting way to live.

A thought invades my head and I blurt it out before I can think twice. "Have you two ever been...a thing?"

He shakes his head and his face twists in disgust. "Nope, never been there. Yeah, she's pretty but we're just mates. I've never even had that thought."

I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. I'm surprised they haven't dated. He seems popular, she is popular, put two and two together.

Warren puts a hand on my knee, "jealous?"

I roll my eyes, dismissing the truth. "Me? Jealous? Hah, never."

"If you say so."

"Shit. I'm gonna be late on my first day."

I was so focused on how much Tiffany didn't want to be late, that I forgot that we would be late.

"Cool your jets."

"It's not your first day, Warren."

"What a wise observation."

"Shut up," I laugh.

Warren walks me to registration, sadly we're in different classes because he's in his second year and I'm only in my first.

I walk in and see Tiffany and her mates sat down.

She nods her head to where she's sat so I walk over and sit myslef in the seat infront of her.

I don't miss the scowls on her friends faces.

Tiffany shifts uncomfortably, this probably isn't the most ideal situation. "I can move if you want."

"No no no, stay."

Her friends look at her like she's possessed but I try not give it a second thought.

Seconds later, a man walks in. I'm guessing this is my new form tutor. "Morning!"

A few of the girls at the front greet him with smiles. The rest of the class ignore him.

He does the register and then finally notices the new girl in the class.


He doesn't make a fuss about the fact it's my first day, he just asks me to speak with him outside.

I follow him out the door

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