49. Roomates

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"Who the fuck are you?"

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"Who the fuck are you?"

Ah, I see. There's been a new edition to the House Of Horrors whilst I've been absent.

I tilt my head to the left slightly, assessing the male infornt of me.

He looks about my age. Maybe a year or two older. He looks like the type to have a massive, inflated ego. God knows why anyone who's parents didn't want them even possess an ego. Maybe that's not his care, maybe they were broke? Or... died?

The guy tilts his head too, and I can tell he silently assessing me too.

I shrug at his question, "I'm Samantha."

"Samantha," he repeats my worlds aloud, he looks as if he's storing it in his brain for later. "Sure it is." He smiles, rolling his eyes to the back of his thick ass head.

I glare at his response, "what do you mean 'sure it is'?" I attempt to imitate his deep, velvety, hoarse voice but I failed, miserably I'll add. My poor attempt ended up sounding like some sort of lost sheep who had just been attacked by some sort of sci-fi, intergalactic werewolf.

"I know your type." Is all he says.

I'm suddenly feeling defensive. "What do you mean my 'type'?!"

His voice turns rough, "you think your all quirky or some shit by telling me your names fucking Susie."

"Actually I don't know who you are and maybe I was trying to protect myself from the male species. I mean do you know how many girls get taped? I don't want my rapist knowing my name. Makes it feel more personal and shit. Sorry, forgive me for not trusting you but you don't exactly seem the friendly type. Your ego is so fucking gigantic, so big that this room is feeling ten times too small right now. So respectfully, humble yourself and stop acting like a dickhead. Not every woman wants you. Get the fuck over it, lad."

He looks at me with wide eyes, "how the fuck did that escalate. Jesus Christ. I told you I know 'your type' and then you called me out for being a fucking rapist. The fucks wrong with you? Crazy woman." He mutters the last part underneath his breath but I just about caught his words.

"I'm bored of your masculine energy," I announce and brush past him and up to my old room.

He's on my trail, I heard his footsteps coming up the stairs.

Opening the door, I'm prepared to go and collapse onto my old mattress that was on the verge of collapsing, but something stops me. Not just something, everything stops me.

My room is... not my room anymore.

"This is my room, dumbass." The guy tells me from behind me.

I spin around and shake my head with wide eyes, "he really thought he'd finally got rid of me." I mumble to myself. I'm talking about dead old Jimmy. Every time I've been gone before, he's never had someone move into my room because it's world wide news that I'd be back. And I always, always was. But Jim obviously got the impression that I was gone, gone.

"My brain hurts," the guy mutters mad brushes past me and into my room. Sorry, his room.

His back is to me but when, I'm guessing, he senses me still stood in the doorway. His doorway. He spins around, "the fuck you still doing here?" He rubs his eyes tiredly.

I look at him with a 'what am I meant to do now' look, but he's not having any of my crap.

And then he slams the door. In my face.

That son of a -

"Thalia?!" Someone says from behind me and I instantly swivel around to be met with wrinkled eyes.



He sighs and when he blinks his eyes shut for a little too long. "You're back."

"I am."

"Ofcourse you fucking are. Come, you can crash in Sadies room."

Crash - I think he's forgetting this is a care home and not his own home. He's not doing me any favours and letting me into his home. Although, sometimes he acts like that.

I halt in my steps. "Sadies room?! There's no fucking way."

Jimmy wipes his sweaty forehead, "it's Sadies room or... well I guess you could crash in your old room. Eli won't mind." Jimmy sounds as unconvinced as I am.

Eli won't mind my ass.

He'll throw a kiddy tantrum.

"I'll bunk with Sadie..." I mumble, feeling defeated.

"Good. Cause I can't have you sharing a room with a manwhore. Plus, that lad is always bringing women around. It would be awkard if you watched them. I guess you could join... but that's against the rules and I take pride in how good of a care home Dad I am."

I don't have the heart to tell him that's he's kind of shit.

But let's skip back to the fact that this Eli guy brings girls back here? Jesus, that's grim. There's little kids in the house. I roll my eyes and feel tiredness over take me, I'll bring it up another day.

Jimmy leads me into the room that I did not miss at all: Sadie's. It's pink. Entirely pink. I'm not joking. I don't think there's one thing in this room that isn't pink, well except the windows. But can you call them windows when they've got wooden boards pinned across the actual window, meaning there's no light in this room because the bulbs also broken.

Sadie's tucked into the corner of her pink palace, holding her teddy bear close to her chest and if lolks could kill, I'd be on the floor bleeding out.

"I'm your new roommate!" I try to sound as energetic as possible, if I wanna survive I'm going to have to earn my way into the little ladies good books.

She rolls her eyes dramatically, "why?!" She moans and then face plants into her bed sheet and screams.

Jim looks startled but I know he's familiar with the shenanigans. "Right then... I gotta go work, howdy!" He points to the, barely a, door behind him and walks out.

Jims idea of work is walking down a flight of stairs and putting the kettle on.

I stand awkwardly in the pink room with a backpack on my shoulders.

"You can sleep at the end of my bed." Sadie states then proceeds to pout her lips.

Great, I'm going to be living like a dog.

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