24~They will soar on wings like eagles

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Dean flipped burgers on the outside grill, while Janessa and Grace sliced lettuce and tomato, and Mark and Rose set condiments on the picnic table. Leo, Colton, and Mark just returned from checking the camp, something they took turns doing twice a day.

Dean cocked a brow. "Anything?"

"Ohh, yeah," Colton drawled, wagging his brows. "You would not believe the babes—"

Leo smacked his chest. "He meant bad guys."

"Hey." Colton stiffened. "They were really hot."

Peter shook his head, inhaling a whiff of burgers. "Smells good. I'm starved."

"Hot babes?" Janessa's lips twitched. "You guys worked up an appetite checking out women?"

Grace's pretty head turned, and her eyes locked with Leo's. Her eyes shimmered with sadness, but she hid it behind a smile.

"Not us. This guy," Peter chuckled, hooking his thumb to Colton. "He thinks he's on a summer vacation."

"I'm living every day as if it's my last." Colton spread his arms and grinned. "It's not my fault the ladies love me."

"You took your shirt off and started flexing your muscles." Peter's tone was dry. "I can't believe women fell for that cheesy move. Thought I'd landed in an 80's movie."

"The irony of that Pete Mitchell," Rose said with a smile.

Laughter followed along with more jabs about his name.

Colton looked confused. "I don't get it. What's so funny?"

"I don't get you." Dean slid the last of the burgers on a plate. "You were supposed to be making sure we're safe."

"The camp is clear. I doubt the bikini girls are going to be much of a threat." He shrugged seeming pleased with himself. "Nowhere to hide a gun."

Dean sighed and glanced at Leo.

"We didn't see anything out of the ordinary," Leo confirmed, taking off his ball cap and threading his fingers through his short hair.

Mark swatted a fly. "Were you recognized?"

"No, I don't think so." Leo shook his head. "We were careful and we blended in, for the most part."

"Even with Colton's stripping?" Janessa asked, trying to not smile.

"I did not strip," Colton protested, indignant.

"He wasn't the only dude acting like a cheeseball." Peter flicked his eyes to Colton. "Luckily he hasn't shaved and he kept those glasses on the whole time."

"Great," Mark said with a smile. "Colton's lack of grooming might have saved us."

"Everyone wants to be a comedian. Guess it's rag on Colton time."

"Nah, it's time to eat kids," Dean announced, shifting as if uncertain. He looked around. "Who wants to say the prayer?"

Mark didn't hesitate. He began to pray.


Grace sat alone watching the fireflies blink tiny, yellow spots of light.

"Lord God, I know you're listening. Thank you. Thank you for the blessings I take for granted. Forgive me when I fail you. Like now." Her voice broke, and she paused. "I know I shouldn't worry, but Sarah... she's been doing well. I'm afraid of what she will do if she thinks I'm dead. Please God, help Sarah. Protect us all, Mr. Archer, and Leo's dad. I ask this in Jesus' precious name. Amen."

"Amen," a deep voice echoed, sending a tingle along her spine.

Leo. She heard the crunch of his boots on the ground before he stepped to her side in front of the picnic table she'd perched on.

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