29~Because God is the creator of everything

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"Anyone seen Leo and Grace?" Janessa asked, spooning eggs and sausage into a tortilla.

"Last I saw they were out back making out." Peter never glanced up from his breakfast taco.

Mark still, his gaze hooded. "Yeah, sure, and that's a horse flying by the window."

"At this point, not much would surprise me," Rose said, taking a seat beside Mark at the table. He glanced over and their eyes met.

"Why does everyone think she's so innocent? It's the quiet ones you've got to watch out for," Colton warned.

Dean grunted. "Spoken by the guy who's never had a single girlfriend in his life."

Though he felt bad for Grace and Leo, Dean was thankful for the distraction that took the attention off him and Janessa. Not that he cared what they thought, but he was relieved no one was making Janessa uncomfortable. She'd been dealing with enough lately and all by herself to boot.

"You're crazy if you think Wilder is looking for a girlfriend. Poor Grace will end up a one-night stand unless someone saves her." Colton stood, puffing his chest out like he was the man for the job.

Mark's jaw tightened. "Don't talk about her like that."

"If you're jealous, you better drop that taco, scoot away from the pretty girl next to you, and go find your girl."

He started to stand but Rose put a hand on his arm, stopping him. "He's just trying to get a reaction." She frowned at Colton. "What's your problem?"

"I'm being realistic."

"You're being a jerk," Dean growled.

"Says the guy who knocked up his girl—"

Dean was across the room in an instant, shoving Colton against the wall before he could finish the sentence. "Something you want to say to me?" Dean's voice was a lethal whisper.

Colton's eyes were wide, his expression was wary. "Sorry."

Tension sizzled for a moment before Dean abruptly released Colton as quickly as he'd taken hold of him.

"I was out of line." Colton's voice was full of remorse. He cut his gaze to Dean's girl. "I'm really sorry Janessa."

She tossed him a smile. "Apology accepted."

"Sure you don't want me to beat him up for you?"

Janessa laughed. "No, I'm good, Colton's just treating me normal. I like that."

"Yeah, I'm a jerk to everyone. It's a character flaw." Colton slid his gaze to Mark. "I meant no disrespect to Grace."

"Guess we all deal with stress differently," Mark said with a nod. "No hard feelings."

"Remember that the next time I say something stupid." Dean winked at Janessa.

Her heart did a tiny hiccup. "I know how you deal Dean. You turn into take-charge, macho man and try to fix everything."

Laughter punctuated Janessa's jab.

Dean's brows drew together. "Did you call me macho man?"

Janessa grinned. "I did. It means assertive."

"Can't argue with that."

"She's being nice," Peter said, pouring another cup of coffee. "It really means as—"

"Hey," Mark cut in.

Dean straightened his shoulders. "Since dudes with guns and explosives are hunting us I think a macho man isn't a bad thing."

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