Retrival Circle P.2

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Home didn't change.

It was dark, gloomy even, but something was off.Shaking it off your heading home.Your roomate must be worried of where you been over the last two and a half weeks.How were you gonna explain 'Well I got randomly abducted by a house full of killers' to her in the simplest form of words?Might need more then an essay to clear things up..

"Hello house-..!" Stopping your smile drops, seeing the fimialer forest green mustang parked in your drive way, nervousness overwhelms your form "...must be a good sign...right?"

It wasn' knew that the moment you see that car...nothing will be alright..

Starting your slow steps to the door, feeling afraid more then happy, your hands out of fear reach for your back pack...but it was not there.

Your weapons of safety was at the killer's house..

Right when you truly might need them.

Rubbing your temple, your trying to calm your heart to a steady beat "It's alright.I'm home.Everything will be be fine." when your breathing match your hearts pulse you rang the door bell.

Everything was fine.

The door opens to reveal your roommate, but as you wish it was to be, it was the one who caused your uneasiness...

"So the runaway returns?" He pushed the door open a little more, your body stiffens at his movements, then steps aside "About damn time ya freak.Come on in, it's fucking cold out here."

You could have walked away.Say no even.But your mind was convinced enough to block your fears of what will happen inside.So you did...

"Thank you...Richard.."

And the door shuts, locked and all.

°•☆•°Now back to the three slashers°•☆•°

Jason was passed worried.Uii wasn't as worried as Jason but wants to know if your safe and sound.Now that's covered, how about Micheal?Unlike these fools he didn't fucking care for your sake, but his dear Jason was loosing his shit over you, was literally being dragged along by both men by force.He didn't care to the point if your found dead he will be satisfied and if not then he will be more satisfied ending your punny life by his own fucking hands.

A dead on win-win for Michael either way.

Now Uii, within little time, had already tracked you down.He lead everyone to the town you live in.Your scents was strong here as your heat signature grew slightly stronger.

Jason didn't care about that, his grip tightens on the collar of Micheals jump suit, and legit drags the two towards town.

Micheal didn't say shit as he was dragged around like a rage doll but Uii?This man here was taking all this as revenge for him beating his ass earlier, so by that, he and Jason RAN down the road.

Uii was savoring every bit of this moment.He was very satisfied indeed.

°•☆•°Back to you!°•☆•°

"I thought you said your family hates you?" Your roommate, June, was kind enough to make some warm food and hot tea for you, soon continues as she runs her chin in confusion "That's...did something happen?"

Tell her the truth.

"A family death one dear but must be there right?"

Don't lie, tell her!

Richard hums at this "Guess your right about that." He didn't leave the room, which meant he had some beef with you now, just to sit by June and kiss her cheek lovingly before he continues "But like, are you considered as the black sheep anyway?"

June pops him in the head "Richard!That's not nice!!"

June was so nice to you.She respects your decisions and what your so intrest are.But her boyfriend?Behind her back this man did horrible things...made you wonder how a nice looking guy could be so vile and damaged from inside, even date her without her knowing him like you do?

"No it's okay." Your ability to eat wasn't going to happen, not with him near you, so you slowly stood up just to thank June "I'll be in my room now I'm...ha..I'm really drained of ya know what I mean?"

June nods in understandment "Oh okay!Sleep well!!"

And from there you stroll down the hall, to your room, and close the door.Locking it shut.

But your not gonna go to sleep like you so like to.No way.Instead your booped by something rough behind you.Taking a moment you waite to see of that was you imagining things.

Instead of being poked at, your pulled back just to land on a body.

Yet did you scream?

Not at all.

Because once you were prepared to the thing purrs in delight and curls around you.Not a chance to look up it stuffs it's face into your lap.Seeking love and affection immediately.

It was Demo.

"(Y/N)!Did you fall?Sounds like you fell down or something."

Hearing June you reply back, now feeling more comfortable and safe with Demo here with you "I'm fine!Thank you June!"

Demo didn't move a muscle but purred louder as June walked away.Smiling at him you gave him all the love and affection he so desired from you.You didn't have your weapons but to have this creature you so love and tamed made all those negative feelings away.

You felt safe.

Demo on the other hand was ready to kill anyone who harms you, which no blood was smelled nor seen to say, he felt the fear radiating off your form like a sound wave.So he did what he thought was a good thing to do; comfort his master.

He indeed was a good boy.

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