Chapter 92 - An Unexpected Turn

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We continued deeper within the tunnel and I couldn't exactly say how long we've been walking for the tunnel seems to be stretching on forever and I can see insects moving about away from the light as we delve deeper into the tunnel in front of us.

"I hope this thing doesn't cave in on us," Natsu said, breaking the muted silence.

I gave him an annoyed glance.

"Of all the things you could say, that's what you let out?" I told him, "Now that you said it, I'm going to start thinking about it."

"She is right Natsu," Lucy said, "Don't jinx us."

"This mine shaft is pretty old and run down isn't it?" Wendy told us.

"I really hope it's not haunted," Happy added.

"Would everyone just stop putting ideas in their heads?" I asked, "You can talk about just anything else other than what can lurk inside an abandoned mine."

"Sorry," Wendy told me, noticing my reaction, "I had no idea you didn't like dark places."

"It's not dark places I don't like," I answered her, "It's just this situation is already uncomfortable enough for me and with them talking about ghosts and caving in…it's just…well..It gives me the hibbi-jibbies."

Wendy smiled a little at me.

"Wow, you're scared," she said, "I would have never expected this from you Eve."

I ruffled her blue hair, causing the girl to giggle.

"I'm not scared," I told her, "You're the kid here. I bet you're more scared than I am."

Carla continued to guide us through the mine shafts which I am starting to get a really bad vibes by looking up toward the ceiling every few minutes or so. Now that Natsu had placed the damn idea within my mind I can't help but feel as if the entire place is about to fall upon our head any minutes now.

Great Natsu, thanks to you I can't get that stupid thing off my mind, I thought.

Then we came to a stop in front of a large opening and I can see a blue light ahead of us as I stepped into the large opening. I can see spikes of the earth pointing down straight down and there were glowing green orbs upon the wall around us.

"This is more like a cavern than a tunnel," Lucy said, amazed.

"Yes," Carla announced, "I believe it is located right underneath the castle."

"I don't understand how you're doing all of this," Lucy told her, "But I am glad you're on our side."

"I am perplexed as well, but like I said, the map just keep getting more and more filled in," the white cat answered her.

"You're amazing," Happy told her.

"Thought, being able to find our way here is sure to be the easy part," Carla told us, "But what will be truly amazing is sneaking in and out of the King's Royal Chambers undetected."

I glanced around us and I feel my stomach jump as I took notice of the skeleton of a soldier lying beside a rock with a broken blade beside it. I continued to stare at it. I really don't want to stare in this place any longer if it is a dead body dumping ground.

"As defenseless as we are now," Carla continued, "This mission will surely be over the moment we're spotted."

"That will be hard to do," I said, "With god knows how many soldiers they are inside that castle…"

"Now don't forget," Lucy smirked, "We can always use my magic if we get into a pinch."

"So you're going to save us?" Natsu asked, sounding underwhelmed, "I don't think so."

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