Sick 🦔

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Summary: Chris starts feeling sick during a video and it only gets worse throughout

Thank you to @april-xoxo for the request!


TW: Throwing Up/Emetophobia


Chris's POV

We are currently filming Wednesday's video 'Trying your weird food combinations' and we have only done three yet I feel horrible. "Hey, Chris you okay bud? looking a little pale.." Nick says waving his hand in front of my eyes snapping me out of thought, "hm!" I say snapping my head upwards "yeah- yeah I'm alright " I respond trying not to worry anyone "Okay.. let's get back to the video then huh" I nod as Matt interrupts "Right! next food combination is 'Hot Fudge and Chicken Wings' WHAT THE-" he fake gags. "Ew.. no way am I eating that," I reply and grimace. "Oh come on Chris be fun!" Nick says giving me a look. "fine," I grumble as Nick starts taking the Hot Fudge out of the microwave and onto the chicken wings, I feel my stomach turn already denying the food. "Alright, guys let's tuck in," Nick says giving me a smirk, I roll my eyes, "I think I'm going to pass on this one.." I say standing back slightly, Matt sends me a confused look and I understand why I mean I never pass on trying any food weird or not "No your not" Nick says shoving a chicken wing in my hand, "I don't feel good Nick please" I say frowning slightly looking at him with pleading eyes.  "Don't be a party pooper and just eat one" Nick replies rolling his eyes. "Hey it's fine he can miss one if he isn't feeling good" Matt says sending me a smile I smile back slightly as Nick quickly interrupts "No it's not fun for the viewers he isn't a baby he is just using excuses because HE doesn't want to eat it." Matt starts "Hey don't say tha-" but he is cut off by me taking a bite.

"You shouldn't have made him do that Nick he doesn't look well at all.." Matt says resting his hand on my back as he looks at Nick disappointingly, "So what he looks fine to me " Nick says scoffing, I swallow it harshly as I place a hand over my mouth already feeling it coming  up my throat, I rush into the bathroom as I kneel in front of the toilet Matt behind me as I empty my stomach into the bowl coughing and retching loudly, I feel Matt rubbing my back "Oh Chrissy you poor thing" He says hand reaching to hold my hair out of my face as I hear Nick rush in holding a wet rag muttering quiet sorrys as he kneels next  to me "Chris- I'm so sorry honey I turned off the camera I'm so sorry are you going to throw up anymore?" I can tell he feels horrible but I can't help but still be mad at him for making me eat it when I clearly didn't want to but I can't say mad at him he sounds genuinely sorry, I shrug my shoulders as I lean back into Matt's chest holding my stomach eyebrows screwed together tight as I feel him rub my arm comfortingly, I slowly close my eyes as I feel Nick gently wipe my mouth with the rag. "honey don't fall asleep please we need to get you to bed" Matt says lifting me up slightly as I mumble a quiet no reaching to grab nicks hand holding it tight I just wanted to be with my brothers and I knew if I went up to bed they wouldn't be next to me, I feel Nick run his fingers over my knuckles as Matt gently picks me up bringing me upstairs into my room and in bed Nick helping and placing a bucket near me. (don't ask how he managed that I don't know)

"let me go get a thermometer," Nick says rushing out of the room Matt sat next to me stroking the side of my face, "Chrissy don't fall asleep just yet sleepyhead," he says chuckling I mumble a quiet barely audible okay as my eyes flutter open. a few seconds later Nick comes running in holding a thermometer and another wet rag (i know right a waste of rags.) "I'm sorry I took a while here open your mouth Chrissy" Nick says speeding over, I open my mouth as he places it in taking it out after the beep, "103°F honey your not well at all" he says looking at me sympathetically as I feel Matt run his hand through my hair. "Did you eat anything out-of-date sweets?" Matt says as I feel a damp rag being placed on my forehead. "I think so.." I say sadly "Don't worry we will take care of you bubs would you like some soup?" Nick questions I shake my head no as I whisper a quiet tomorrow as I go back to closing my eyes hoping to calm my stomach "Hopefully now you have thrown all the bad food up so you will get better quicker" Matt replies.

I feel Nick take the rag off my head as they both go to leave, but not before giving me a gentle kiss on the forehead and mumbling quiet goodnights."P-ease don't go" I mumble sleepily opening my heavy eyes slightly (pwease don't huwt me I'm sowwy Nick 🥺 I HAD TO IM SORRY) "Okay sweets we won't don't worry" They both say as I feel the bed move as they get in next to me, I fee two pairs of arms latch onto me as I quickly cling onto them my head on Nick's chest and one arm holding Matt close. "Go to sleep honey we will be here when you wake up I promise" Matt says drawing shapes on my back comfortingly other hand resting on the side of my face, "Goodnight" Nick mumbles as he grabs my hand holding it tightly as me and Matt both reply goodnight, soon later I fall asleep listening to Nicks steady heart all three of us entwined close together.


Right, how did we all enjoy that one? I want to apologise though because this one isn't very good at all and I'm so sorry it doesn't change POV'S and there are probably a lot of grammar mistakes it has been a struggle putting out a chapter every week because of school and it's not giving me much motivation but don't worry I won't stop updating since we don't have many none y/n Oneshot books so I wouldn't do that to you all :D Anyways how is school and how is everyone doing?! I feel like school has been stressing a lot of people out so I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone and no matter how bad you may feel one day the next day is a brand new day and you won't feel bad forever. I love you all so much and ill always be here if anyone needs someone to talk to, thank you so so much for all of the love on my chapters I don't think I would be able to continue the book without yous reading all of the nice comments brighten my day and I appreciate every single one of them. Also, people have been wanting more Matt one-shots and now I realise why I'm so sorry I didn't know I have basically done none next one hopefully will be based on him! Have a great week I love you all and I'm so incredibly proud of every single one of you.

Goodnight <333


(Proud of myself didn't think I could even get 600 in this chapter)

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