Chapter Three

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I'd finally survived the entire day all the way to 6th period. A feat that seemed impossible this morning. But here I am, in the bathroom, making sure all makeup and lipgloss is still intact.

Leaned over the counter, I study my face, making sure no blemishes peak through my foundation.

Once I'm satisfied with the freshness of my appearance, I give myself an air kiss via mirror before exiting the bathroom. The tardy bell rings but I still take my time.

I'm late to his class more than I'm not--never by more than 10 minutes, though. At that point it wouldn't be in the category of fashionably late rather than just missing a big chunk of the period for no reason other than to occupy some other part of the school.

Upon my arrival, a couple heads shoot up to watch me walk in, but I only pay attention to one head in particular.

"I hope you used those 2 minutes of my class time wisely." Mr. Halloway comments in front of the class as I walk to my desk.

"Oh trust me, I did." I send him a smirk before sitting down at my desk, "I hope you made use of them too."

At this point the entire class is staring at me. I'm not intimidated while I wait for his reply.

"Ah, yes, I was just informing the class that we'd be going over everyone's thesis today. Starting with Genevieve." He dismisses our conversation and turns his back to me, "Please come take a seat and we'll get started." With that being said, he rubs his hands together and walks around his desk to sit down.

Genevieve, a girl who reminds me of a cute little mouse, stands up from her desk, walks with her head hung low, and shyly sits down in the aide seat with a paper in hand.

I sigh, adopting my usual chin-on-palm position with a glance at the clock.

I decide I'll not stare into space this entire period.

My bag is rudely loud when I reach to unzip it so I make it quick, but I still get the tiniest glance from Mr. Halloway.

My essay is only a little crumbled but I've yet to type it into a Google doc so I'm not too concerned. Reading it over again and again to assure perfection, I raise my hand.

It only takes a good three seconds before I'm noticed, "Yes, Paige?"

"Could I go to the library to type this out?" I ask, holding my essay up.

"Go ahead." He says with a nod and returns his attention to what I'm assuming is Genevieve's thesis.

Seeing as I broke the last two chromebooks the school checked out for me, I've resorted to the library computers. They're boxy and definitely less breakable. Probably less expensive, too.

The sound of my chair scraping resonates in the quiet room agonizingly loud, followed by the clacking of my heels. Per usual. I'm sure everyone's got the sound of my walking memorized by this point.

I know I'm obnoxious about my exit but I just want his eyes on me. I don't check to see if he watches me retreat, but just in case he is watching, I make sure to add a swing to my hips. I know fully well how good my ass looks in these washed out skinny jeans and I will milk it to the full extent.

I let the tension melt off my body as I walk down the hall. My pocket buzzes.

"Skipping 7th for Joe's with David, you in?"

As tempting as the offer is, I remember Mr. Halloway and I's planned evening. I'd need to come back before 4:30 and the school locks their doors at 4:00 today. I know we'd end up smoking before going and taking our time at the Cafe. It'd be a time crunch.

"I'm gonna have to miss out today, I'm really behind and I'm pretty sure I'm one more skipped class away from detention lol"
-Paige's iPhone

I know they'll be skipping next week so I don't feel too much of a loss, especially with what I have planned.


"Boo bitch! But if you say sooo. Text me if you change your mind babe"

I send a quick okay as I enter the library and pocket my phone.

It's dead silent and I mentally thank the carpeted floor for hiding the sound of my heels as I walk past our older aged librarians.

I'm not scared of any teacher, but when it comes to the librarians...they're savages. I know they don't give two fucks when it comes to being unfiltered bitches to students. I've seen them make 4 people cry, and one of them was the principal.

Offering them a polite smile, I hurriedly walk past them and take a seat in front of the computer.

Time to get to work.


I end up not returning to Mr. Halloways class as the essay takes a lot longer to type than I originally planned. I do end up skipping 7th period, sticking to scrolling through my phone in the library instead.

I stay on the sofa in front of the cozy fireplace area off to the side until the librarians shoo me out at 4:00 to close down the library.

I decide to spend the remainder of my time in Mr. Halloway's class. I happen to know that he leaves his door unlocked during his Thursday meetings. The knowledge comes in handy.

I leave the lights off and kick my shoes to the side. His chair squeaks as I plop my weight into it and give myself a spin before propping my feet up on his desk.

The only thing I can think of doing is scroll through my phone for the remaining 30 minutes. He often gets out of his meetings a bit early, though, so I brace myself for a 10-20 minute wait with a YouTube video on the akashic records.

I make sure to hike my skirt up to reveal my upper thighs. Oh yea, that paired with the elevation of his desk is definitely working for me. I've got to look at least somewhat inviting when he comes in.

With one last glance at my relaxed body, I refocus my attention to my lit up screen.

Perfectly timed, the door clicks open as soon as the YouTube video ends. I click my phone off quickly and set it on his desk before he can be aware of me in the midst of his darkened class room.

It seems that he senses my presence before he's able to see me, though. He leaves the lights off and closes the door behind him before turning to face me.

Light from the hallway casts a dim glow over my body and I take my eyes off him to appreciate how goddamn good my legs look in the lighting.

It may be a vain thought, but there's a confidence in the way I present my body. Though I'm on the heavy side, I do have curves working in my favor. My waist isn't exactly tiny, but it's somewhat an hourglass shape and small in proportion to my wide hips. Though hip dips are deeply indented, I can dress to compliment regardless. My thighs are my favorite quality, though. They could be considered thunder thighs, but I don't favor the term.

Speaking of thighs, they had the exact effect on Mr. Halloway that I was hoping for. It's the first thing he goes for once his wide strides bring him within arms length of me.

He runs a finger up my leg, from my ankle all the way up to my inner leg and rests his palm against the sensitive patch of skin there. Without any warning, he turns the chair abruptly so I'm facing him rather than the desk.

He slowly kneels in front of me, both hands on either of my thighs as he takes advantage of the wheels on the chair and rolls me as close to him as he can.

All I can think to do is smile like a dumbass.

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