Chapter Thirty Two

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Dad rearranged the office/guest bedroom into a better environment for Drea's residence there. Lying alone in my own bed makes me miss her presence. I enjoyed rooming with her, it made me feel less alone.

Now I stare at the ceiling in silence, allowing the sound of crickets to resonate in my empty skull.

To keep myself from spiraling, I focus on my breaths.

"Breathe in...breathe out."

It's whispered into the room, softly enough for my own ears to struggle hearing it.

"Breathe in...breathe out."

As much as I focus on the oxygen leaving my lungs, my fingers itch to grab my phone.

"Breathe in..."

The next breath comes as an annoyed grunt.

I pick up my phone and open my messages. I told myself I'd worry about replying tomorrow but I really can't help it.

My chest is tight and I feel suffocated. I can't rest until it's figured out.

"Tomorrow at 1pm. We'll meet at North Square park."
-Paige's iPhone

I disregard the fact that he'll be working at that time. If he cares enough, he'll find a way. It's the only time I'll have a reason to meet him without the trouble of coming up with an excuse to use dads car. I silently thank Drea for her responsibility to go to school tomorrow.

The trees outside my window scratch the glass, scaring me for a moment, but I refocus my fear to the current problem in mind.

I set the phone back down, resisting the urge to open any form of social media. If I did that I don't think I'd find myself sleeping anytime soon.

Part of me expects to hear my phone go off, but it feels like forever passes without any sign of a notification.

My eyes droop and I can feel the pressure leave my head as the tension in my shoulders packs it's suitcase as well.

Relief comes in the form of sleep and I embrace it while it lasts.


Morning comes faster than I'd like, and I'm bone-achingly tired. Today is the last day Drea will have to attend school before dad goes in tomorrow to barter her way out just as he'd did for me.

Hopefully the principal doesn't fuss too much. I can't help but to feel bad for dad. How he still manages to keep his patience is beyond me.

I know I'm not made to be an adult due to the fact that I'd never be able to handle his situation.

My legs swing over the bed and I begin to prepare myself for the day. Both for the drive to take Drea to school and my meeting with Ethan.

It doesn't take long before I'm down the hall and headed to Drea's room. Upon my search for her, I find that she's not there nor in the bathroom.

I expand my hunt to the dining room, and find her nibbling on a piece of toast across from dad.

"Good morning, guys." I say in pleasant surprise. Dads precious typing on his keyboard pauses long enough to say greet me, but his focus is intent on whatever task may occupy him.

"Morning!" Drea says, much more cheerful than her usual down demeanor.

"How're you doing today?" I ask, grabbing a bagel from the plate of pastries in the center of the table. An assortment of sourdough, cinnamon, white, and wheat toast sits on one plate. Another sports cherry turnovers. The last one has blueberry muffins and bagels paired with cream cheese packets.

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