Day Off

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Sunlight streamed in through the window over the kitchen sink, dappling the white tiles with gentle radiance and sweeping across the island counter in the center of the room. A petal fell from the sunflowers you'd picked from outside a few weeks ago and placed on the kitchen island as you moved about, preparing a mug of coffee. You don't normally like to take too much from your garden, but it was already October and the pretty blooms would be fading soon until the next year. You figured there would be no harm having a few in the kitchen to brighten the place up.

The house you lived in was a quaint little place, not too big, but not too small, on the distant outskirts of a large city. It was the perfect place for you to continue to pursue your dream career as an author without having to worry about too much crime or the obnoxious noise of traffic, plus it was a nice last gift to you from your late father. It needed a lot of work since it had been vacant for so long, but with your inheritance and a bit of hard work, it had paid off in the end. You had a place to call your own for the past four years, a comfortable career, and a large nest egg to cushion your expenses; you were happy.

That was not the only thing bringing joy into your life however. Your eyes flicked up from your phone as the coffee pot gurgled and the sensor screamed at you to tell you it was done. Today felt like it was promising to be a good day and you stretched before getting up to fix up a mug. A spoon of sugar and just a dash of cream; you'd gotten so good at this that you could practically make it with your eyes closed. You gave it a good stir before putting the spoon in the sink and carefully grabbing the mug of steaming hot bean juice. Next destination: the bedroom.

Your feet padded through the solid wood hall, pausing only briefly to glance at the pictures. You didn't have any pictures saved of Dad, but your memory would never forget his smile. Thankfully though, you had plenty of photos to spare of Grandad. You grinned at the picture of the ridiculously tall man with the gray afro and long thin beard. A seagull was securely standing on his head and a large grin was plastered to his face. The picture below was taken shortly after, showcasing him sharing his favorite snack of fried rice crackers with the seagull.

'I should call Grandad sometime and tell him how things are going.' You thought, continuing down the hall and hanging a right into the bedroom.

Inside, still lost in a deep sleep, was your fourth happiness. You gently placed the coffee mug on the bedside table and sat on the edge of the bed. Sometimes it still befuddled you how you'd managed to catch the attention of such a gorgeous man. Even after two years of being together, you couldn't help but just stop to admire his features. Your eyes traveled up his back from his waist, taking in his back muscles and thick lined tattoos. Messy, thick raven hair fell across the pillow and against his forehead, hiding thin brows and thick eyelashes that almost seemed wasted on a man. You crinkled your nose at him with a little jealousy. His tanned skin was flawless and yet the guy had absolutely no skin care routine, meanwhile if you didn't have the perfect pH balance, you broke out almost immediately.

Reaching forward, you brushed the strands of black hair off his forehead before moving your fingers down to trace the sharp line of his jaw down to his goatee. The touch made his murmur in his sleep and nestle deeper into the pillow, pulling a soft giggle from you. Med school must have been extra harsh on him yesterday to make him sleep in this late. He had to be the only man on earth that could make dark circles under the eyes look so good.

"Law." You cooed to him softly, running delicate fingers across his back. "It's time to get up, babes. It's almost one in the afternoon."

A shiver passed through him from the grazing of your fingers and his eyebrows twitched. He blinked open piercing steel gray eyes, focusing them on you slowly as a little smile pulled at the corners of his mouth.

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