Clipping His Wings

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The end had arrived. Truth be told, you were very nervous. Granted you were prepared, but even if you'd been the best fighter in the world, you'd still be nervous. You were warned that Doflamingo was very strong, even without a gun. His strength was unusual for a human. You didn't need to be told twice. You had been right there to watch how Law had been thrown around like a ragdoll. Doflamingo was monstrous.

Because of this, you were absolutely denied from going anywhere near him. If you were to take part in the plan, that was fine, but by no circumstances were you to assist Law and Luffy. Their task was to keep Doflamingo as far away from everyone else as possible; completely distracted and preoccupied. And while that suited you just fine, you still worried for Law. Not just Law, but Luffy too. During that month, you had become fast friends, after all.

When you had voiced your concern over both of their well beings, all of Mugiwara couldn't help but laugh at you. Even Law had a stifled smirk that he tried to hide. Apparently Luffy was quite a big deal, even against Doflamingo. Doflamingo had quite the inflated ego, but he wasn't stupid. He was very aware just how destructive Luffy could be and had no desire for a clan war against him...yet, of course. Doflamingo was still determined to have Law back in his clutches and as Robin said, even Luffy wouldn't be able to stave him away for too long.

And so the plan was put into action, albeit with a few detailed changes since your joining. Nami was to assist Usopp in killing the cameras and then supply long distance support. You, Shachi, and Penguin were to enter the building from the side and advance directly to the archives. Everyone else's roles were set, now it was just about executing the plan.

You all piled into a few cars, Law and Luffy taking one of their own to act as decoy. You went along with Usopp, Nami, Shachi and Penguin; you and the two brothers squished into the back. Penguin seemed a pinch on edge, but Shachi already had a wide twisted grin and every now and then you glimpsed overly eager jade eyes from under a hat brim. Both of them were ready to return the favor of almost being murdered.

"We'll wait here for Law and Luffy to enter the compound." Nami said and parked off to the side. She narrowed her eyes and wrung her hands in her lap. "I'm a little worried."

"They'll be fine." Usopp said with a grin. "It's Luffy!"

Nami glared at him. "You're only saying that because you don't have to run directly into combat against them!" She let out a typhoon's worth of a sigh and shook her head. "I worry because it's Luffy. Doflamingo is clever and manipulative; if Luffy attacks him first, the plan becomes so much more complicated. We can't allow that to be caught on film or it can be turned back on Luffy."

"Law is with him." Penguin said with a small smile. "Luffy listens to him...usually."

"Not always." Shachi laughed and adjusted his hat. "Besides, the cameras are being cut anyway."

"Not before the fight starts. Everything leading up to it is being caught for our own benefit." Usopp shook his head, making his black hair bounce. "Let's hope Luffy doesn't decide to go against the plan."

You could only imagine the stress Law was under, having to execute the plan and keep Luffy from acting recklessly. No matter how it went, there was no backing out now. You took a deep breath and readied yourself. This was it. After this, you would be free.


Law's POV

"Mugiwara-ya." Law spoke as they arrived in front of the compound. He rested his wrist on the top of the steering wheel, but his steel eyes had narrowed and gone a dangerous silver. "I feel the need to repeat myself although I shouldn't have to, but do not engage the enemy first. Everything becomes much worse if you break this plan."

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