Silence and Motion

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It was finally Monday. You spent the weekend doing a whole lot of nothing with Law, staying in bed to snuggle with love making mixed throughout Saturday. On Sunday, you packed a brief lunch and took him out to the back garden for a meal under the very last warm rays of the sun. Soon the heat would leave completely and all the leaves would roll across the yard, adding a sea of warm colors to the green grass.

With Law out of the house today (very reluctantly), you finally got to work cleaning up the house from the party on Friday. It was slow going. There were wrappers and streamers everywhere, beer cans left on the coffee table and counters, and Isha's gift was spread out all over the floor from when it had popped in Law's face. You were so thankful it was just tinsel and not glitter, like last time. Tinsel could be gathered up with a hair brush from the rug; the glitter was still somehow showing up even a year later.

Once you finished with the living room, you turned your attention to the kitchen. Dishes were rinsed and shoved in the dishwasher, the trash was taken out, and the counters were thoroughly scrubbed down. You stood back with a satisfied sigh and nodded. The place looked much better and smelled great!

You looked at the time. 1:42pm. Law would still be in class for another hour and twenty minutes and then he said he was going to spend an hour or so in the library for some studying. Midterms were right around the corner and he couldn't afford to slack on his grades. Not that he ever did, the only subject he ever struggled with was English. You thought that was rather ironic considering he was dating an author that could tutor him at any time, but he was stubborn and you didn't want to impose considering that he still managed to pull -A on his papers.

'I hope you're having a good day ❤ I'm making grilled salmon for dinner.' You texted him, tapping your toes on the floor. You didn't expect a text back since he was in class, but you missed him dearly and just wanted to say hi anyway.

Much to your surprise, his response came in right away as your phone went off with a little ping.

'It's slow. Salmon sounds good, I'll bring home some wine.'

You smiled at the text and went to send a reply, but another one came through suddenly.

'I miss you ❤'

You leaned back in your chair and just sighed as you felt your heartbeat increase a little. Law didn't say words of affirmation much, but when he did they were always so sudden and made you feel tingly.

'I miss you too. Drive safe when you come home ❤' You finally texted back and put your phone back in your pocket.

You would keep yourself busy to help the time pass by faster. Writing was still out of the question. If you tried doing that today you were just going to frustrate yourself and then wander around the house in a failed attempt to push through the writer's block. Knowing how you coped with these things, it was only going to make you want Law to come home more and you did not want to ruin his studying. You were clingy, but not that clingy. No, instead you would decorate for halloween. It was in three weeks after all and the front porch was barren of any decorations.

Stopping by the basement door, you cursed yourself for not asking Law to bring up the boxes before he left for class. It wasn't that they were heavy or difficult to reach, you always made sure to put them in easy to access places and you didn't have noodle arms. The problem was the basement itself. It was dim and spooky down there since it wasn't finished; it felt like something that was pulled from a slasher film, minus the gore. Worse still were the spiders. Those damn eight legged bastards gave you the creeps!

You swung the door open and flicked on the light. At least you wouldn't have to walk downstairs in the dark. That never made sense to you in horror films; why not just put the light switch at the top of the stairs for the light at the bottom? It would save so many problems! A few cobwebs hung from the ceiling and you whined, you really didn't want to go down there, but the boxes weren't going to waltz their own way up.

All Roads Lead to You (Trafalgar Law x Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu