Long Fall

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Two weeks have passed since you went on the run and anxiety was starting to eat at you. You'd started to become too comfortable in the usual routine; too settled. And just when you would start to feel a touch of normality, you would remember that your circumstances were anything but. Law was here every day, which felt strange when he used to always be gone for class. Shachi and Penguin were always around when it used to be just you and Law. Your phone had no service and your laptop had died ages ago, so there was no way for you to even attempt work on your writing. Instead, you'd switched to a lifestyle that felt comfortably incorrect.

You laid in bed, restless. Law laid next to you, asleep. You could hear the very faint humming from Shachi in the living room and Penguin had gone outside to keep watch. It felt too quiet; too still. You rolled over again, unable to settle and blinked in surprise when you saw steel gray eyes watching you through the silvery moonlight.

"You're awake?" You whispered, the sound nearly catching in your throat as you shattered the silence.

"Can't sleep." Law breathed. He pulled you in closer and you appreciated the warmth. "Insomnia is bad tonight."

You hummed and snuggled into his chest. Lately he smelled of firewood and pine needles and it brought you a deep sense of comfort. He was the only thing that seemed to bring you any peace lately. While you were very close with Shachi and Penguin now, they weren't able to provide the sense of closure to you that Law could. He knew you too well; knew what to say and how to say it. Knew how to read your expressions and when you were on the verge of a breakdown. He was able to pick up on tiny little details of you that other people missed and you were grateful to him for it, far more than any words could express.


"Yes, (Y/n)-ya?"

"Are we going to be running forever?"

The rise and fall of Law's chest soothed you along with the sound of his beating heart. "I don't know." He murmured. He gently stroked your hair and sighed. "I've been thinking...of sending you to Germany."

"You could introduce me to the rest of the Heart Clan." You said with a smile, but it faded when he shook his head.

"I would not be coming with you."

"What? Why?"

"My name is too known over there. You'd be put right back in the same position; stuck with a wanted man. At least if you go alone, you can start a normal life over there. Of course, Bepo-ya would help you get settled and I'm sure-"

"No." You interrupted. You held on to him tighter, digging your fingers into the cloth of his shirt. "No, I'm not leaving you. Either we go together or we stay together."

Law frowned. "(Y/n)-ya..."

"I won't have my mind changed about this, Law. Out of everything, everything, I have ever been stubborn about, this one is absolute." You said firmly. There was no brattiness, no humor, no playful lilt. Just a woman speaking resolutely who knew her own mind.

A moment of silence passed and then Law pulled you in tighter, almost as if the mention of you leaving was more painful to him. "Alright. We'll see this through then."

You looked up at him and reached up to the back of his head to pull him down. You needed closure. You needed that connection. Delicate fingers threaded through his raven hair as you kissed, shivering at its depth. His warm breath rolled across your skin and his hands gently slipped their way up your shirt, running along your back. So soft, so tender his touch, it brought goosebumps to the surface of your skin and tremors at your depths. This was a touch and a kiss that conveyed a level of love that words could not. It made your heart flutter and toes curl from its pleasure and joy. And just as always, it was over far too soon, leaving you parched for more.

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