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You're barely holding it together. Several hours have passed and both your emotional and physical state are in tatters. Your legs and feet hurt from running, you have scratches on your cheeks from branches that whipped you as you ran, bruises from prior training sessions. A pounding headache had settled in the base of your skull and your eyes and nose were sore from wiping them so much. You'd only just barely been able to stop crying and your emotional state... Well, let's just say you've only felt pain like this in your heart once before.

Law was still being operated on. You'd been brought back to the city, into a large office building with a sleek interior. You had no idea where or what it was, but it was the furthest thing from your mind. All you cared about was Law. Sitting in the waiting room, alone for hours, with a dead cell phone was making it more difficult than anything to keep your impatience controlled.


You turned your head, recognizing the voice. Nami ran at you and wrapped you into a warm hug. That did it. Your porcelain strong emotional state shattered again and you immediately began sobbing, clutching at Nami like she were the last piece of happiness you had left on earth.

"Oh (Y/n). It's alright, let it out." Nami murmured and rubbed your back. "I'm sorry we got to you so late. By the time we saw Doflamingo move, he was practically already on top of you."

"L-Law is... Law!" You sobbed and stumbled over your words. Your head was killing you and tears were forming so fast you were blinded. Grief washed over you and took your senses with it.

"I know. I know, (Y/n)." Nami squeezed you. Her voice was gentle and soothing. "Let it out. Get it all out of your system."

You weren't sure you could. Just as soon as you would calm down and run out of tears, your capacity for misery would refill and send you back into another downward spiral of hysterics. It was exhausting; you weren't sure how you were still awake.

"Nami-swan!" A blonde man came from down the hall, pushing through the double glass doors, and stopped in front of the two of you. He held a platter with two cups of steaming tea and little finger cakes. "For the beautiful ladies!"

You wiped your eyes and just stared at the food. It smelled delicious, but you weren't sure you had the stomach for it right now.

The man's voice became softer and he smiled. "It'll make you feel better, promise. I'm sure you're starving and exhausted."

Nami took one of the teacups and passed it to you. Hesitantly you took a sip. A wash of warmth and honeysuckle hit you, feeling like it sweetly hugged your insides and soothed the pain in your heart.

"And the cake." Nami insisted. She gave you a little smile. "Sanji makes the most delicious food. It'll help distract you."

Sanji looked like he was going to faint from Nami's compliment as you gingerly took one of the cakes. It had a springy and fluffy texture and smelled like lemon. You took a bite...and immediately died. Metaphorically, of course. The textures combined with the burst of flavors were so delicate and sweet that it threatened to sweep you right off your feet and put you back in a state of sobbing, only tears of joy. You'd never tasted a cake so good.

"Is it good?" Sanji asked, leaning in eagerly as Nami took a cake of her own.

"It's delicious!" You said, holding back tears. "I've never had a cake so moist and flavorful."

"AH! She loves it!" Sanji spun on his heel; the man practically had hearts in his eyes. "Such bliss! Miss..." He froze, realization dawned on him. "What is your name, Miss?"

Nami gestured to you as you had another bite of cake already in your mouth. "This is (Y/n), Traffy's girlfriend."

Sanji looked like his soul had been ripped from his body. "She's TAKEN?!" He fell to his knees, Nami saving the platter of cakes just before he went down. "I can't believe it! That's two beautiful women I've lost to him!"

All Roads Lead to You (Trafalgar Law x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now