Chapter 20 (Part Two)

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(Emmy's PoV)

I felt my phone vibrate several times in my pocket. I took it out to reveal numerous messages from Trixie, all along the lines of "get on the video chat now" and "it's an emergency."

Matteo's dead. Matteo's dead.

I made my way into the office. Luckily both my parents were out tonight so I was free to use the computer.

Another text from Trixie: Hurry!

Matteo's dead and now no one can protect you.

I replied back through shaking fingers, "sorry, the computer is loading slow."

After several minutes of start up with my brain continuously yelling at me, I was finally able to log on to the online group video chat. Rose, Kierra, and Audrey had already joined too.

Trixie tried to speak, but kept choking on her words.

"I'm assuming you're referring to the incident that's been all over the news for the past hour," Audrey guessed.

You're a horrible girlfriend for not already knowing.

Trixie nodded and my heart started to sink. Normally, I had been trying to stay up to date on current events, but tonight I was swamped with homework after two and a half hours of swim practice.

"I don't have a TV," Rose explained. "What's been on the news?"

Trixie wiped her eyes. "The boys. They've been captured," she sobbed.

"But...but...I thought they were just defense fighting," I stammered.

She shook her head. "That's what I thought too, but apparently not. They were caught sneaking into the emperor's palace in Hong-Kong."

Matteo might not be dead yet, but he will be.

"How could they be so stupid and reckless?" Kierra chided, though her lip quivered as she spoke.

"Shut up," Audrey retorted.

"Hold on," I interrupted, trying to make everything stop spinning. "Are you sure it's them?"

"Yeah," Trixie replied. "Their dog tags were checked and all of them said 63rd platoon."

I let out a broken sob.

You'll be alone forever now. Matteo's going to die. But look on the bright side, at least he doesn't have to put up with you any more.

"One boy, Landon Price, took credit for the whole operation. He's supposed to be executed tomorrow morning—their time." A tear slipped down Trixie's face as she continued. "He was one of Gavin's friends. He has two older sisters who I tried to get a hold of to join this, but they never responded to me."

Kierra crossed her arms and huffed. "Why would those idiots do something so dangerous? It's so stupid!"

"Is this really the time for that?" Audrey exploded.

The two of them proceeded in a screaming match as my thoughts began to eat away at me.

You can't survive without him. Might as well off yourself right now.

"You could have a little bit of sensitivity?" Audrey said through gritted teeth.

"Why?" Kierra retorted. "It's not gonna change anything." She seemed to be fighting back tears too.

Audrey threw her hands up and sighed. "I can't do this."

And she signed off.

Kierra did the same without saying a word.

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