Chapter 3 (Part Two)

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(Justin's PoV)

The morning routine wasn't much better the second time around. I couldn't believe I was saying this, but I actually missed only having to wake up at 6:00 for school.

The sad part was, I was probably one of the best at waking up. Many of the guys were either in an unpleasant mood or so tired they were in a completely different world.

"Recruits! At attention," we heard from down the hall. I got in line and saluted with several of the others, while the remaining boys practically jumped out of their beds to get in with us. After what happened to Matteo and Will yesterday, no one wanted to get caught messing up.

Sgt. Blake walked in and eyed our line. "Today, you'll take your initial workout exam. I only suspect a very select few of you will be any good, but I will work you until you can meet the most basic set of standards. It includes running, push-ups, chin-ups, sit-ups, and other workouts the army has deemed important, but first: make your beds!"

"Why?" Matteo complained.

I could see Connor and Aaron snickering two bunks down.

It was obvious this boy never learned.

"It's just so pointless. I don't need to make my bed. I'm just gonna get back in it tonight." Matteo may have thought he made a great point, but I had to say that Sgt. Blake's was a little more valid.

"Not if you have all night cleaning duty."

(Gavin's PoV)

First, in the army, you have to take a physical test to see how much you sucked at everything. I wasn't the worst, thankfully, but Sgt. Blake definitely had his work cut out for him with this group.

"I give up." Tristan collapsed. "I can't do any more push-ups."

Landon rolled over onto his side. "I gave up three ago."

I was determined to keep going at least 10 more. The standards were 80, but if I could make it at least half way there, I'd be fine for the first day.

My arms were starting to give in as my two friends continued to complain.

"I've done more physical work today than I have in the entirety of my life," Landon said.

"Yeah," Tristan agreed. "We've had to do chin-ups, sit-ups, climb ropes--it's like the gym class from hell."

"You guys are wimps." I teased, approaching my 42nd, but my hands slipped and I had my closest encounter to my first kiss. My face slammed into the floor. Landon and Tristan started cracking up. "Shut up," I mumbled. "I still made it further than both of you."

"But none of you made it further than me," the freckled brunette boy to our left bragged.

Tristan scoffed. "Big talk for someone who's 5'2"."

The kid, Ned, wasn't phased at all, he just continued with his 56th push-up. "I bet I'll be bigger than you when I'm your age," he said simply.

Landon shifted uncomfortably at Ned's arrogance. "Well how old are you anyway? Fourteen?"

"Twelve," Ned replied.

The three of us exchanged shocked glances. "You got drafted at age twelve?" Self absorbed as he was, I was starting to feel bad for him until--

"Nope, I enlisted." His face beamed with sweat and pride.

"What?" all three of us exclaimed.

"Why the hell would you do that?" Landon questioned.

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