Chapter 2

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(Ned's PoV)

It took me forever to ditch my tour group. The lady in charge would not stop talking. Honestly, I had no intention of learning about White House history and trivia. I was here to meet the president.

It was crucial that I see him. Ever since the children's draft began, I knew I needed to be in the army. Naturally I went straight down to my local enlisting station, but they turned me down cuz I was "too young". I soon realized if I wanted something done my way, I'd have to bring it up to the guy in charge.

As I navigated my way to the oval office, I was never questioned as to why I wasn't with a group. This place has got to get better security, I thought to myself. Especially since we're in a war. I dismissed my ponderings and figured somebody else would mention it. I had bigger things to care about.

Standing at the president's door were two male guards. A black guy and a white guy. Both over six feet tall with some pretty sweet shades.

"I'm here to see the president," I informed them.

"He doesn't do autographs, kid," the white guy smirked.

"I don't think you understand the severity of this situation," I told them. "I am not here to meet the president. I am here so the president can meet me. I have a secret weapon that will help us win the war in China."

Both guards shrugged. "Seems legit," the black guy said before they each opened one of the double doors, revealing the oval office.

Mr. President was sitting in a large rolling chair and next to him was some skittish lady who looked like she hadn't slept in a week.

"Can we help you, little boy?" she asked.

I stepped in front of her. "I'm not here for you." I stood directly in front of Mr. President. "I'd like to enlist in the army."

"What?" the annoying lady exclaimed. "How old are you?"


Her mouth was gaping open as she turned to Mr. President. "A twelve year old cannot possibly be in the army."

Geez, didn't this lady realize that important people were trying to converse.

Mr. President stuck out his hand. "Wait, Ms. Secretary, let's not dismiss the idea yet."

Ms. Secretary sighed in exasperation. "You're completely safe from the draft, and we don't offer any of the military benefits to our child soldiers."

"I'm not interested in your benefits," I responded.

"Well then why would you want to be in the army at your age?" she asked.

"For the glory."

She was speechless. (Finally. I hated hearing her voice.)

"Do you realize how famous I would be if I were the youngest soldier ever," I explained. "The ladies would be all over me when I get back."

"But this is war," she cut in. "There's no guarantee you'll make it back."

"Don't worry. I won't die. I'm awesome," I rationalized.

As Ms. Secretary put her head in her hands, her boss studied me for a moment. "What's your name, son?"

"Ned Brugeman," I replied.

"Well Ned," he began to shake my hand. "Way to show the American spirit. You're in!"

Ms. Secretary opened her mouth to object, but Mr. President cut her off cuz no one really cares what she has to say anyway.

"Come on," he told me. "I'll take you to the inspection right now, let's see the recruiter try to say no to me."

Children's DraftOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz