Chapter 10 (Part Two)

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(Clayton's PoV)

Me, Trevor, Logan, and Daniel were settled in our usual spot behind the barricade. We went here whenever Sgt. Blake didn't assign us spots. We liked it cuz it was near the edge and far enough away from everyone else so no one could tell us off for messing around the whole time.

Unfortunately, our spot didn't provide much in the way of water protection.

"I can't believe it's still raining," Logan complained.

"Don't you mean monsooning?"I corrected before rolling my eyes.

"Lay off him, Clayton," Daniel told me. "I think he was trying to help."

I scoffed. "He was showing off, that's what he was doing. He did this all the time at school too." I folded my arms. "He knows he's smarter than everyone, so he's gotta go around using big words to prove it."

Daniel shrugged. "Raining or monsooning, it still sucks."

"Yeah," Logan agreed. "I don't think I'm ever gonna know what it feels like to have dry shoes again."

I was about to respond, but I heard something. I looked back to see Trevor whistling. It didn't take me long to recognize the tune.

Of course, it was "Singing in the Rain".

Logan smiled at me. It wasn't long before he added the bass part, and I quickly joined in with the Tenor/Alto line.

We looked at Daniel. Realizing the only part that was left, he upturned his nose slightly. "No."

We just kept going, prompting him to join in. He knew we would just keep vamping the intro until he did.

"But I don't wanna sing soprano," he whined.

We didn't reply. We just continued to sing.

Daniel looked around sheepishly and then back at us. He bit his lip and sighed in defeat.

He actually had a really strong falsetto which he used to hit the top notes.

The four of us went on with our four part harmony and by the end of the song, we were all smiling and laughing, no one more than Daniel.

"Thanks guys, that was fun," he admitted.

"Almost like show choir," I pointed out. "We just need dance moves."

"I bet I could think of some," Logan offered.

"And we can use our guns as props," Trevor added, cracking up.

Daniel's smile faded a little bit. "I really miss it." He paused for a moment. "This was my first year and I only got to perform my show twice. But it was like...I finally found something that I love and I'm good at."

"It's so much fun," Logan reminisced.

"It's the only bearable part about school," I said.

Trevor's face sunk with realization. "If this war doesn't hurry up and end within the next two months, I'm gonna miss my last year."

Logan put his hand on Trevor's shoulder--well he tried. Trevor's really tall. "I'm sorry." He didn't need to say more. We all knew it wasn't likely that we were gonna be going home anytime soon.

"Hey, don't feel bad for me," he told us. "If I can't be with my original group, then I guess I'll have to settle for you three." He smirked. "Now, about that choreography."

(Matteo's PoV)

    I gripped the letter from Emmy tight in my hands. I missed her so much. It had been three weeks since I had last gotten word from her. I could almost hear her soft, high-pitched voice as I read her note.

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