Chapter 5- The Wildflower That She is

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--Giovanni POV--

As the day progressed, I couldn't find myself willingly looking away from her, and the same recurring thought continued to haunt my mind; How could a person be so beautiful? It was an odd thought, seeing as I've definitely met people whom I personally believed were prettier, but that's what made me more confused.

I had never been so drawn to a person as I am with her.

I sat at the table, looking out to the dance floor where most guests were partying away, but one distinct woman stuck out from the rest of those people. She waved her hips, occasionally raising her hands in the air, and spun her body around, her hair running with her as the sunlight smiled down at her beauty, its lighting dancing on her cool skin. She couldn't blend in if she tried, not when she looked like that, and smiled as though the world was perfect.

"So, what happened to the whole situation with you looking for a bride? Did you give up?" My eyes strained to look away from her, and to the man that was sat beside me, someone I couldn't believe I considered a friend. He obliviously continued to wolf down his food as if he didn't earn enough to buy food ten times the quality of this.

"No, I did not," I bluntly answered, picking up my glass of champagne before continuing to look at the dancing woman in the distance who was oblivious to all the eyes that couldn't look away from her, my eyes being one of the many.

"Well, that's surprising," Alex muttered under his breath, causing me to turn my gaze once again to meet his confused ones.

"How so?" I decided to amuse him, watching as he took another bite of his meal.

"Because you're looking at Aurora as if she's the only woman alive. It's the way every person would dream to be looked at by the person they loved, you know," No, I did not know.

"Don't be ridiculous," I scoffed.

"I'm not, honestly," He made the cross over his chest with his hand, before raising said hand in the air as if taking an oath.

"What do you even know about love?" I muttered, going to take another sip of my beverage, hoping it would do something to help dull my senses when it came to conversing with him.

"More than you, I'm sure. I, at least, have dated women, not just had one-night stands," I couldn't help but roll my eyes as he mockingly rolled his eyes back at me.

"And I still wonder what those women saw in you,"

"Clearly something they didn't see in you,"

"You're lucky they didn't even meet me. If I tried, I'm certain I'll be able to be a better lover than you," I shot right back as he had to take a moment to think up something to say, but upon failing to come up with anything worth saying aloud, he simply glared.

"Is this how friends act towards each other nowadays?" At the new entry, Alex and I turned our heads to look at the man whose name was still unknown, Aurora's ex is what we're calling him.

"No one's talking to you, dipshit," Alex spat.

"Well, pardon me if I'm just trying to enjoy my food. Take your quarrelling elsewhere, you're not the only ones sitting at this table," He had the audacity to speak back with the eloquence of a wild rat that clearly didn't know its place.

"Don't be jealous just because you don't have any friends of your own. And since you're the only one on this table that has a problem with our bickering then maybe you should take your cheap food, and go sit somewhere else?" Alex pointed an accusing finger at the sorry excuse of a man.

"You're calling it cheap, but you were wolfing it down a second ago," He carefully replied.

"Just because its cheap doesn't mean it can't be tasty," This conversation was taking a turn that I didn't want to be here to see.

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