Chapter 16- Happy Birthday

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--Aurora POV--

Curse me and my tongue that doesn't know when to stop speaking! The irony of how I was going on about how much restraint I have only to let my tongue speak freely without any sign of restraint, the pure stupidity baffles me.

The mere thought of that smug look on his face when he realised how much I regretted my words has me screaming into my pillows at every given chance; I was getting bored of the number of times papa's ran into the room asking what was wrong.

"My, what's gotten you looking so gloomy on your birthday? Is it because you're getting old?" Petra asked with an amused laugh as she stood beside me, looking over the large room which had nicely been decorated with an abundance of flowers and glittery fabric, organised by my father, no doubt. People were dancing around the pristine floors, the large golden chandelier hanging above them, others were indulging in the snacks on the dessert table, while some, myself being one of them, were standing around talking about the most random of things.

"I'm a human, Petra. Getting old is one of the many things that come with life," I explained as she continued to laugh, ignoring my glare.

"Well, if it's not that then what is it? Is it because your father keeps holding such big parties for your special day?" While she was partially correct with the guess, that was not the reason for my foul mood since I'd already gotten used to my father's grand parties. In fact, the reason for my foul mood has yet to make an appearance, is he trying to be fashionably late? I never expected that from a man who thought the importance of time was everything.

"Yes, I guess you could say that," I decided to say.

"Well, we can't be surprised anymore, can we? If your father is famous for anything, it's his love for you, his one and only daughter," She chuckled as she spoke as I rolled my eyes, noticing the said man approaching us.

"Would you just look at you!? You look as beautiful as ever, princess," He grinned as the small frown which had been sitting on my face dissipated into thin air, and I laughed, going to jump into his arms as I hugged him.

"Thank you, papa... But next year, let's have a smaller party instead, yes?" I leaned back, arms still hung around his neck as I gave my suggestion.

He raised a confused brow, but didn't say anything against it.

"Will that make you happy?" He asked.

"The happiest." I nodded as he hummed, smiling at me as he kissed my forehead before nodding his head in agreement to my words. We'll just have to see if he remembers this conversation a year from now.

"Now, forget about next year. I don't want to imagine you getting any older than you already are, I'll only get emotional, and I don't think you want to see me cry on your birthday," I shook my head at the mere thought as I stood up straight.

"Can I ask for this father-daughter dance?" He outstretched a hand for me as I took it with a large grin, not hesitating for even a second as I nodded my head, waving goodbye to Petra as we made our way to the dance floor.

"Now, is there something you have to say to me?" I raised a confused brow, simply waiting for him to specify what he was talking about, and he sighed, giving me a pointed look before answering my thoughts.

"That date you went on. How did it go?" Oh, of course it was going to be this, I'm honestly surprised that he managed to wait so long before bringing it up. I already told mama everything about the said date, and figured out that she and Gio's mother were trying to play matchmaker with us, which I would find adorable if I wasn't part of the whole scheme.

"It was... unexpected..." I slowly spoke, trying to find a word that went with that date.

"A good unexpected or a bad unexpected?" He was the confused one now.

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