Chapter 1

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---------------3rd Person: ----------------

"Jason! Please wait!" The little girl yelled, her raven hair trailing behind her as the cool autumn wind pushed violently against her face, her little legs taking her as quickly as they could manage, which wasn't very fast.

The older boy ahead of her turned back, his own hair getting tousled by the wind, occasionally whipping what parts of his face they could reach. Even with the small bouts of pain, the boy smiled, holding a hand out towards the girl, the other arm carrying rounds of bags from his wrist to his elbow.

The little girl's eyes grew wide with joy when she saw the extended hand, her own grip tightening around her whale plushie as she picked up the pace as best she could, the wind relenting for a moment as if giving her time to reach her brother.

She pushed faster, her hand grasping the boy's as the coolness from his hand reached her own gloved fingers. She let out a smile as she looked up at the boy, a similar smile on his own face.

The girl let out a giggle as the two began to walk, the boy walking just a tad slower than before as to allow the girl to keep up.

The sounds of the city were not unusual to the duo, the two often walking around to do chores to alleviate the stress for their mother and father. Today's work was to buy food for the week.

The boy looked down to his own bags, the amount of food was barely enough to cover the week, but it was more than they managed the week before.

His stepmother and father tried their best to keep the two fed but it often went to waste as it was never enough. Jason never let this affect his sister though. He looked down to the little bundle of joy as she hummed happily, the song coming from one of the few movies they owned.

Jason loved his sister, the always smiling girl seemed to warm his heart, she was one of the only things he liked from the marriage between his stepmother and father, the only other thing being how nice his stepmother was. Jason was old enough to know that he came from a one-night stand, hell, Jason knew a lot more than he let on, but he refused to let that affect his sister.

She got the newer clothes, the gloves, the jackets, the toys, but not once did Jason mind, in fact he bought her a few of the items with money he got from his job. Of course, he'd told his parents that his friends had given them to her, but he figured it was starting to get suspicious.

"Jason, are you okay?" Jason snapped out of his thoughts, looking down to the girl's bright sea green eyes, finding traces of worry and concern lingering within them. She was a lot younger than Jason, so young in fact he often found it hard to relate to her, but that never stopped her as she rambled on and on, even at the dinner table when she wasn't talking, she always was openly conveying her emotions through her expressions.

Jason placed a smile on his face as he nodded. "I'm fine, let's hurry home though, mom and dad are waiting for us." The little girl nodded vigorously, the smile returning and the concern fading as the two continued forwards towards their apartment.

It didn't take too long before the duo arrived, Jason quickly opening the door one handed with little struggle as the girl watched down the hall. Once the door creaked open though she turned quickly, smiling brightly as Sally peeked her head around the corner.

Upon spotting the little black and blue blur running at her she dropped to her knees, opening her arms just in time for the girl to nearly tackle her, her giggles filling the house.

"Why hello there princess, how was the trip? Did anyone do anything?" She asked, pulling the girl back as she ran her fingers through her hair.

"Nope! Jason scared them all away with his evil eyes!" The little girl tried to imitate the glare but ended up looking slightly cross-eyed. Sally looked up to Jason, her smile turning thankful. Jason just nodded as he slipped by them and into the small kitchen, already beginning to put away all the groceries.

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