Chapter 27

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————— Percy's POV: —————

Alfred led me to the room I'd be staying in quietly, occasionally pointing out the others rooms, though I noted he pointed to the golden plates on the doors meaning those strange discombobulated words were in fact everyone's names.

When we arrived he opened the beautiful and empty door to reveal a room that looked way to big to be a bedroom. I felt my eyes widen as I leaned  in cautiously, waiting patiently for Alfred to realize he'd made a mistake and lead me away from what had to be the master bedroom and to a properly sized room. When he stayed quiet for a while I backed up and chuckled. "I think you led me to the wrong room. Bruce would be mad if I walked into his room without permission like this." I said quietly, trying to keep the humor in my voice. Sure I'd been in a large room last time as well, but surely they weren't giving me one of the cabin sized rooms.

Alfred chuckled lightly and shook his head. "You're mistaken Percy. This is your room." He said confidently, ushering me in. I felt a sense of shock roll over me as I walked inside the room slowly. It was huge. Bigger than most of the places I'd stayed before, possibly rivaling the size of my cabin. I could feel my mouth inching towards dropping. I blinked a few times as I let everything register.

"You guys are just...letting me use this room?" I asked quietly. Alfred nodded, walking into the room while leaving the door open, something I noted quietly.

"This is your room now Percy. Please, enjoy it." He walked over to the closet, I only now noticed my bag of stuff laying on the floor in front of the door. I walked over to join Alfred in front of the closet and was somehow more shocked at the fact that the closet was big enough to match the size of the previous room I'd been staying in.

It was all too much.

"Feel free to arrange things the way you like, and call the boys over if you'd like the furniture moved at all." I nodded, turning to the massive bed that sat in the middle of the room, its massive wooden frame rising up towards the roof, the empty poles looked daunting and barren.

I could feel myself getting slightly overwhelmed with the sight of it all.

"Get a good rest tonight Percy. I'll be here if you need anything. I will check up on you later as well." I nodded giving him a small thanks as he exited the room.

Now alone, the sheer size of the room weighed on me, the walls so far away now. I admit, it was all too much. I wasn't deserving of this. I didn't deserve such nice things, not after the life I've lived. This all just felt wrong.

I let the thoughts wreck havoc on my mind as I wandered into the other unopened room. Inside I found a lovely bathroom, this one more normal in size though still pretty huge. The glass walls of the shower were both beautiful and terrifying. I made a mental note to never forget to lock my doors when I showered.

With the thought of showering, the sudden weight of my sleepiness and exhaustion hit me all at once. A yawn ripped through my throat as I suddenly felt the weight of my eyelids making my vision dark. I decided quickly to take a quick shower before going to bed. I walked out of the bathroom into the eerily large room, the daunting walls seemed to be dark and shadowy sending a shiver up my spine. I was quick to grab some clothes, a drachma, and a towel before going back into the bathroom and locking the door behind me.

I turned on the shower, putting my hand directly under the new flowing water as I felt the small pricks of water hit and roll off my palm, the feeling calming me. I smiled when it hit a comfortable temp as I walked a few steps away from the shower as I began to prepare myself. What I hadn't been prepared for was the mirror.

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