Chapter 16

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--------------- Jason's POV: ---------------

We pulled up to the manor quietly, the easing of the engine warning me of the incoming stop. I looked down to Percy, her eyes were shut carefully and her breaths were shallow and light, her head was currently occupying the side of my arm as a pillow of sorts, though I couldn't imagine it being too comfortable.

I looked up to Bruce who watched her carefully. He must've felt me looking though because his eyes flickered up to mine, the usual cloudy look prevented me from understanding of any of his thoughts.

"I'll get her," He mumbled, his voice lighter then usual. "You should rest, you lost someone today too." I felt a swift pain in my chest as I looked off to the side as the car officially stopped in front of the house. Bruce was quick to get up as he reached for her but I stopped him with a small glare.

"I got it." He held my gaze for a moment, a small rise of protest surely building in his throat but it died as quickly as it had appeared as he nodded.

"Fine, make sure you put her in the guest room at the end of the hall. We'll fashion it to suit her eventually, but we need to work out the technicalities of custody first. We can't kidnap her, it would hurt our case against him." I bit the inside of my cheek as he exited the vehicle, he paused, his eyes going back to her, a cold look building up behind his expression. "I'll contact my best lawyer tonight, see what and who we can get in contact with in order to keep her with us at the manor." I nodded watching as he disappeared.

I turned my attention back to Percy who carefully shifted. After I'd seen her step father I'd had a small pain in my gut, the pain had only built with each fearful glance Percy gave us, every sorrow filled word that left her lips, the ways she seemed so different from her small self. But as I watched her now, I couldn't help but think back to the times when we lived together, the times when her sleeping on my side was a regular occurrence, especially on movie nights when they ran a little too late into the night. The memories brought warmth but they also brought the conflicting feeling of pain as I realized that had been taken away from me for so long.

I pushed these thoughts to the back of my mind as I carefully managed to pick her up, her head falling to press against my chest. I was shocked momentarily as I did so though. She was light, deathly light.

The pain returned in full force.

I got out of the vehicle, trying my best to make as few jolts as possible before slowly walking into the manor. Bruce had put on a few lights in his entrance, but for the most part, the manor was as dark and eerie as before. It wasn't all that late in all honesty, the sun was setting now so I was sure that Dick and Tim were awake still, probably either training or watching a movie, that was all they seemed to do as of late. At least, that I knew of of course, it's not like I watched their every move.

I carefully made my way upstairs, trying to keep my arms steady as to not bounce and wake Percy up. I eventually made it upstairs and I begun walking down the hallway where everyone's room but Alfred's and Bruce's were located.

Percy's head momentarily left my chest which spiked a quick sense of fear through me as I quickly looked down but just as she entered my gaze her head had replaced itself, her features still relaxed and her breathing still calm. I breathed a silent sigh of relief as I continued. I had nearly made it when a sudden noise came from in front of me. Dick was leaving his room. He smiled bright as he spotted me, his hand raising.

"Jas-" I shushed him quickly, giving him a glare. He shut his mouth as he seemed to only just spot Percy, his eyes widened. He glanced back up at me.

"One minute, just let me get her to a room." He nodded quickly before hurrying ahead of me in order to open the door for me. I soon arrived in the room, Dick pulling back the sheets before I laid her down. She was quick to make herself comfortable as Dick pulled the sheets back over her. I watched her for a moment. She looked so peaceful.

Dick placed a hand on my shoulder. I turned to look at him and he quickly motioned for the hallway. I nodded, sparing Percy one final glance before the two of us exited the room and walked further away before speaking.

"So... Damian's not here." Dick mumbled. I looked over at him to see he was watching me, and knowing him he probably had been for a while. I nodded. "Did she just...come over then?" I shook my head.

"Bruce and I went to pay her mother a visit." I could tell Dick wanted to smile about this, but knowing him, he could probably read my expression and know something wasn't right. So he didn't ask, he just let me continue. "Her mother's not alive." Dick held a muted expression of sorrow and sympathy and just placed a careful hand on my back.

"I'm sorry for you loss." I hummed a small response but didn't respond otherwise to the sentiment.

"She's living with some horrible man. I think- no I know he's abusing her. We didn't outright see anything aside from some name calling but the condition of the house she's staying in, the people he hangs around. They're all similar to kids who I've met whose parents were abusive. She was scared Dick." I could see his jaw tighten as I turned away from him as I stopped in the hall, my hands going up to my face to give me a sec to calm down. I was sad sure, but above all else I was furious.

"It's not your fault Jason. You couldn't have known." I know he was trying to help but words were going to fix anything right now. Actions were the only thing that were going to help this situation.

I took in a deep breath as I dropped my hands to my sides. "I know, but I'm going to help her now." I turned to Dick and I think he realized what I meant by that. He opened his mouth and I readied my response to rebuke his concerns but instead of his speech about doing the right thing he only mumbled a quiet.

"We're going to help her. Now should I call Tim over or is it going to be just you and me?"


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