Chapter 18

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-------------- Jason's POV: ---------------

I ran along the top of buildings with a sense of anger I hadn't felt for a long time, the emotion pushing me to run faster, my legs burning with the extra force. Behind me I could hear Dick and Tim, the two silent which was strange for their usual dynamic. I found the silence to be a bit startling and unnerving, and for once, I missed their usual banter because in this quiet I was left with my thoughts, the ideas floating around in my head were nothing like how I'd thought of treating other villains as of late, people who have done arguably more to injure people aside from obviously the amount of people. And yet, I found my ideas on what to do with him going back to how I thought to take care of villains when I came back from the pit.

To be disposed of in the most painful way possible.

And while I couldn't justify why this shouldn't be done, I was glad for the fact that Dick and Tim had joined me. They'd make sure I wouldn't do anything too drastic.

We arrived at the apartment way later then I thought, or maybe my anger was making time slow. I stopped on the edge of the building across from the apartment building as I heard and watched Tim and Dick arrive on either side of me, I could barely see Dicks hand cover his mouth momentarily before dropping to his side.

"Follow me, we're going in through the side window." I mumbled, taking the grappling hook off the side of my tool belt as I shot it and jumped off, the rope carrying me to the other side before I landed on the fire escape level I needed to be at. Tim and Dick joining me seconds later.

Percy's window was opened slightly at the bottom, the smell of alcohol and cigarettes leaking out the small crack. I took a shaky breath as my vision momentarily went red. Dick placed a hand on my shoulder and the red faded.

I didn't say anything as I leaned down and opened the window enough to push myself in, the suffocating smells of substances were heavy in the air making it hard to breathe and see. I pushed back the urge to throw up as I looked around. The room was small, a worn out sleeping bag laid against the long wall of the room opposite to the closet, taking up the entirety of the wall space. A small whale that I remembered all to well laid half covered by the top of the sleeping bag.

"Holy shit-" Tim was cut off as he let out a few coughs. I didn't look back on him as I walked forwards, trying my best to not look around the room too much either because of the overwhelming guilt it brought me or as a way to leave Percy some form of privacy. She could tell me about this all later when she wanted to.

I opened the door quickly, the smoke in the air became thicker and the sounds of people talking became louder downstairs. I didn't hesitate as I began down the small hall until I could see around the corner. I peeked around to spot a group of older men, all of which looked greasy and like they couldn't make it to the door without a breaking a sweat. I internally cringed at the group but my anger took over as I grabbed the gun from my belt, my confidence building as I took a step out into the open, my jaw clenching as I walked towards the group. How could a group of guys like this do anything remotely awful to my sister.

One of them must've heard me because the grossest of the group opened his dumb mouth and spoke louder then the rest.

"You finally done fucking around out there bitch? Go get us some beers and maybe I just might consider-" he stopped when his beady little eyes landed on me, a sense of pride rolled over me momentarily when a look of fear crossed over his face. It faded as drunken anger replaced the look. "THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING IN MY HOUSE?" This seemed to gain the collective groups attention and I walked over, pushing the men out of my way as they toppled onto the table. I walked directly for the man who'd spoken to me, his greasy hair was patchy at best and his shirt seemed to hold every color of condiment like badges of disgustingness. The man didn't even get up from his chair but his eyes searched me in fear, moving around quickly like an animal trapped. Behind me I could hear Dick and Tim getting to work on getting the men to stay put. When I got to the man I lifted my leg and kicked him in the gut, simultaneously breaking the already struggling chair and sending him skidding backwards till he hit the wall.

I could feel the satisfaction at his fear fueling my anger as he let out a half scream half grunt, his arms going out beside him as he struggled to pick himself up enough to sit up. I could feel my breath go shaky as I lifted my gun up to his head.

"So you like to mess with your fucking kid huh? How would you like it if I messed you up a bit?" He let out a gurgle of protests, going between struggling to breathe, yelling, and pleading.

"I DIDNT DO NOTHING TO THAT SORRY WASTE OF SPACE!" He put his hands up. "SHES A PATHOLOGICAL LIAR, ALWAYS TRYNA GET ME IN TROUBLE IF I DONT DO WHAT SHE WANTS!"he yelled, his voice gruff and congested as if his nose was stuffed with cotton balls. My finger adjusted on the trigger as it took everything in me not to shoot him.

"Oh yeah? The girl you just called a bitch in front of me? The one who you demand to grab beer like a waitress?" I leaned down to get in front of him, his features way nastier up close. I adjusted the gun appropriately, moving it beneath his chin as he let out the most unconvincing whimper I'd ever heard. " listen here and listen good. If I hear a breath that you even touched her, you better start running you got that? Cause I will end you so fast you won't be able to release the fucking smoke from your lungs you dirty pig. I can promise you that." I pressed the gun hard against his chin as he shut his eyes tight. "And trust me when I say, I'm keep my fucking promises from now on." I stood back up and watched him cower for a moment before turning to walk away.

"I don't even want the fucker! Tell her to stay away! She's worthless anyways!" The anger built to quickly for me to rationalize anything as I turned quickly my gun held directly for his head.

"Red hood." Tim said from behind me. I could hear he also held back anger through his tone. I watched him carefully, my arm shaking from the restraint of shooting the man in front of me. He watched the gun carefully. I moved the gun to the side by a few inches and pulled the trigger, a yell of pain coming from the man as he grabbed his ear in pain.

"Say something again I dare you!" I'm not sure if he heard me over his screaming but I turned before I could do anymore damage. Now turned I could see the work that Tim and Dick had done, the others looking worse for the wear as fear was heavy on their expressions, their eyes trained on my gun with a look I hadn't seen for a while. "Let's go, before I decide they're all better 6 feet under." I mumbled, shoving the gun back in its sheath as I headed back for Percy's room.

"Good job Jason." Tim said, his voice not mocking or sarcastic but truly proud. I grumbled a small response. I wish I'd known of this a few years earlier back when I had no qualms with killing.  Even now I could feel the urge to go back and harm the man threatening to take over my system.

"Let's just get home" I said, pushing open the door to her room with such power the door slammed against the wall behind it. I took a few steps forward but before I left I made sure to grab the small whale plush from the bed, tucking it safely into my arms as if I were holding a baby before we left the room.

I would need to tell Bruce to go faster then fast on that lawyer business because I wasn't sure how long I'd keep myself this kind.

1499 words

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