Chapter 21

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————Percy's POV: ————

I couldn't help but smile as I watched the outdoors pass by. I'd told everyone that it was fine to let me go by myself. A simple bus pass and my sword would make sure of that, but Bruce wasn't having it which prompted for the situation I'm in now. This being that Tim, Dick, Jason, and Steph. I'd met Duke earlier but Bruce said he had to stay. I assumed for school since Damian always told me about how he went to a school not to far from ours.

Everyone was loud as they talked to each other, I could hear passing questions like who lives out here and why this would be the place I was "vacationing" a term everyone had labeled my running away as. I'd called Annabeth before hand, telling her we were coming today, the day after our previous phone call and she seemed excited to see me. She told me she'd wait for me patiently. I was ready to get to camp soon but Bruce made us stop at a store after realizing I had no clothes to bring, something which was apparently a crime in his eyes as a large suitcase now sat in the trunk of the limo.

"Hey Percy! Where did you say we were going again?" Tim asked, his eyes lingering on the outside before looking to me. I smiled brightly as I could tell we were nearing camp.

"We're going to my... my moms old friends house! He lives in the woods so he doesn't get many visitors outside my friend group." I lied. Sure it was a flimsy lie, but I was too excited to see everyone to care.

It wasn't long before Alfred turned down the music and the vehicle rolled to a stop. I swear my smile widened when I saw Annabeth and Chiron begin walking down the hill. Sure to everyone else it probably looked like he was in a wheelchair but to me I could see everything. I didn't wait for the vehicle to come to a full stop as I opened the door, much to the yelling disapproval of everyone else in the back of the car. I quickly hopped out the vehicle hitting the ground with a slightly painful force, but one that was forgotten quickly as I got up and began running. Annabeth didn't hesitate as she ran towards me as well.

Running to her was like running to the light at the end of a tunnel. She was a freedom I needed to have right now before I snap.

We met quickly, I was the one to jump this time unlike how our usual dynamic worked. I landed in her arms as she spun us to a stop and I quickly buried myself in her shoulder, quickly picking up on her strong lemon smell, something that made every defense in my body lower as I held her tight.

"Seaweed brain." She mumbled quietly, almost sounding like she was gonna cry. I merely squeezed tighter as she kept me held up, my feet not touching the ground as she hugged me just as tight.

"I missed you so much." I said quietly, not realizing just how much I'd missed her till I spoke those words, the weight truly hitting me like a brick as I felt my eyes water slightly. That was until I heard car doors closing behind me.

Annabeth released me to the ground slowly, I turned quickly to see Chiron was a bit ahead of us. Annabeth grabbed my hand quickly, my face heating up slightly but luckily she wasn't looking at me as she tugged us both forward, the others already talking to Chiron now.

As we walked over Annabeth mumbled over to me, "who're they?"

I hesitated momentarily before smiling. "They're family." Annabeth looked back to me with slightly widened eyes but I just gave her a lopsided smile as we met the rest of the group.

"Percy," Bruce looked over to me with a satisfied look. "You'll be staying with Mr. Bruner correct?" I nodded quickly.

"I won't leave here unless it's with him or you, I promise" I said quickly, squeezing Annabeth's hand slightly. I could see a slight smile rise to her face as Bruce nodded.

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