Gig For The Newbie

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Elijah took the deal that Maine gave him. Maine and his Crew stood up and already planed to leave the bar.

"Call me if you finish a job, four days newbie, that's how long we'll wait" Maine said looking back at Elijah with a glare before leaving the Afterlife.

Elijah sat back down and sighs, his head looks to the table and saw a small paper with a nerophone number written on it.

'It's probably Maine's' Elijah thought to himself. Elijah added the number to his contacts and began to ask for different gigs in the afterlife but no one offered him any, all of them said the same thing.

'Why would I give a gig to you? I don't do biz with newbies'

Elijah sighs being rejected multiple times in a row never happened before and it's completely stressing him out he sat at one of the barstools.

"Hey, I didn't expect the son of Hiroshi Pines to be hanging out in a place for mercs" The bartender named Claire said,
Claire was a middle aged woman with red hair and black eyes, she was wearing an orange tank top under a leather bib pants.

"I didn't think I would get recognize with a messed up face like this" Elijah joked and laughing awkardly.

"Took me a while but now I see it" She laughed. "You looking to join Maine's' crew?" She asked

"Yeah, I just feel like If I join them it would be more easier for me to solve something that's been bothering me" Elijah explained while looking at the menu of the bar.

"Well, that would be hard y'know? Maine and his Crew are one of the rising stars in the afterlife, their crew are one helluva team, they do their biz right, not all of them complete but it's always done right." Claire praised.

"Are you over exaggerating it?" Elijah hoped, since if they were actually that good, he would need to do a gig that's on par to their standard.

"Probably? who knows" Claire replied while chuckling, Claire made a drink and gave it to Elijah. "Take it, Its on the house a welcome gift from me, its not all day you see a corpo kid turn to a merc." Claire said before Elijah could even refute the drink

"Thank you, what's this drink called its quiet strong" Elijah asked after taking a sip from the glass.

"Johnny Silverhand"

"The Terrorist?"Elijah asked

Claire laughed and shrugged her shoulders she lean down the counter  "Maybe, but for some he is and maybe to others he isn't, the afterlife names some of their drinks for mercenary legends who marked their name in this city."

"Only the dead ones?" Elijah asked curiously after noticing the menu

"Well people who try to mark their name in this evil city never had the best ending they deserve, would you try it? You against the city?" Claire asked

"I won't, I just want to solve something and I'll stop with the Mercenary shit." Elijah said drinking the remaining drink in the glass.

While Elijah was still pondering to himself on how to persuade some people in the Afterlife to give him a job, An old man that was bald at the top of his head and a mustache he also had a cyber implant on one side of his balding head, He was wearing a blue button down polo under a brown loose sweater, he also had an accessory of a golden cross worm on his neck.

"I can't help but overhear, but are you looking for gigs Señorito?" Sebastian said sitting down on the next barstool beside Elijah, And to which Elijah nodded to his question. "Are you willing to accept a trabaho from an aciano like me?" Sebastian said giving a little smile Elijah

"If you willing to give this newbie a chance then I would take It" Elijah said smiling to the old man while scratching the back of his head.

Sebastian slid an information chip to Elijah and tapped the table in a slow manner emphasizing the chip he just slid to Elijah.

"My name is Sebastian Ibarra you can call me Padre, Here is my card and the description about the gig is in this chip," Sebastian said standing up after giving Elijah the chip and a calling card

"If you're done with the gig call me, our meeting place will be at the El Cojote in Heywood." Elijah saw Sebastian walked towards a booth with 3 people in it and all of them were angry looking Asians with a similar looking yakuza tattoos on their arms.

And only when Sebastian left he noticed that there was a Big and muscular bodyguard that followed Sebastian to the booth.

After the talk with Sebastian Elijah took the chip and card  pocketing it in his jacket, He left afterwards after ordering another Johnny silverhand but for the second glass Claire asked Elijah for the payment of the second drink, Elijah celebrated for getting his own first mission and taking one small step closer to his goal.

"Aren't you Lucky? getting a mission from Sebastian Ibarra himself, Padre rarely comes visit here" Claire said congratulating Elijah.

"Thank you, I really thought I wouldn't get a job with the time Maine gave me but I think it's quite possible now" Elijah said hopefully while smilling

After drinking another glass of JS Elijah stood up and called his motorcycle to go to the coordinates of the afterlife, While waiting for his ride to arrive Elijah took out the information shard Sebastian gave him and slid it in his neuroport.

two windows appeared from his eyes the first is a picture of a man with typical Valentino clothing he was a black man with a dermal implant making his face look like it was plastic beside the picture on the same window was a tab on what type of augmentations and cyber implants the man have. Elijah took a look at the other window and saw the Gig description

[ This man's name is Christopher Hernandez. This Pendejo went hiding after massacring three family and raping the mother's dead body, He didn't steal anything and  only did it for his enjoyment. A person asked me to hire a merc to return his daughters body the girl's  name is Hannah Baker. She was kidnaped from her home last night she is already dead but her father asked for her corpse, Hernandez wouldn't be disposing of the body soon, at least not until it's rotting yet. That man gets the pleasure on having sexual intercourse with the dead.
Go to the location I gave you on this chip and personally "take care" and make sure he would never do this again. use any means necessary even murder, fetch the body and go to the El Cojote tommorow night after mission is done at 10:00pm]

"An assassination gig, ahhh this is gonna be a problem and a corpse pick up? jeez mercenary have fuck up jobs..." Elijah said scrunching his face.

When his motorcycle arrived Elijah drove back to his apartment, the streets back was filled with some members of Tyger Claws loitering or driving around the area patrolling their territory.

Elijah entered the apartment and the receptionist Infront called for him.

"Mr Pines a package have arrived for earlier when you were away." The receptionist said as it took out a small box from the receptionist desk.

"Thank you, I'll be leaving again" Elijah said taking the box and returning back to Victor's clinic to attach the eye he that the small box contained, on his way he open his contacts and Called José.

[Thanks José, Just received the eye I'll call you to have that drink later, Ah I need your help do you have any available XBD? murder if possible]

[Kapatid(brother or sibling) Why are you looking Illegal shits from me? You know I operate Legally, Why do you think those eyes cost so much? If your looking for XBDs, You're girlfriend is an expert on BDs right? why don't you ask her? Mhmmm] José replied while a moan could be heard on the background of his call, which Elijah heard completely.

[ You are doing some kinky shit right now José, And she is not my grilfriend she's lesbian for Christ sake] Elijah laughed and completely denied that Judy was his girlfriend with a pinkish hue on his face.

[Jeeeez, Kapatid listen if a woman can turn into a Lesbian if she meets the girl she loves, She might turn Bisexual if she meets the right man!] José laughed as he panted and increasing the moaning in the Background [Find your Input man, Can't stay single the rest of your life HAHAH and oh by the way this advice is gonna cos-]

Elijah hanged up the call while shaking his head, He wasn't about to pay a man who was giving relationship advice while having sex with his Mainline

A/N- Street slangs: Input = Gf.  Mainline= term for a couple with long term relation ships


On a a large building that's sells guns on Heywood district Hiroshi sat on his desk and was stressed on everything that has happened and will what could happen, His son going rebellious on him not listening to anything he say, Hiroshi already regrets allowing his son to avenge his sister. Hiroshi wanted to do the same but all he could do is to entrust his resentment, anger and want for revenge to the Mercenaries he hired.

He need to Prioritize the growing business to at least allow his son to fight against this business focused world where only the rich would get to live happily.

The only reason why he allowed his son to do something that would risk his own life is because he trusted the software he downloaded would always protect him in a life or death situation.

"Mr Pines a man named Maine is here to see you should I let him in?" His secretary said.

"Yes, please let him in he is an acquaintance of mine"

Maine entered Hiroshi's office and sat down on. the couch near the door. Hiroshi smiles and stood up sitting In front of Maine.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?"

"The hell? Why you acting so formal?" Maine asked his eyebrow raising. Hiroshi chuckled and offered a glass of whiskey to Maine. "Force of habit, I got used to talk formally to people I do business with, What brings you here?"

"We would delay the gig for probably 5 days cuz your kid want to join and help us and we want the guns you promised for accepting the gig" Maine asked putting an empty duffle bag on the table

"Elijah wants to be a mercenary?" Hiroshi said surprised and worry. "I should've known this is what he'll just do since he wanted to avenge his sister" Hiroshi explained.

"Why'd it took you 2 years to act? the incident happened year and a half ago"
Maine tried to pry

"I wanted to have more assets I can use in case the perp at fault was a powerful man in the city, And I was right to do so, Turns out he is a rising figure In Maelstrom who also has a Cartel with the Tygerclaws for weapons, BD and drugs are  You sure you want to challenge this man? and do this?" Hiroshi tried to assure.

"Just give us the guns and bullets we'll need and we can kill wheeler without the Maelstrom knowing who did it, Protect us in the future using your Business's name when things go south with Wheeler and We'll Protect your kid, It's a good deal isn't it? You protect my Family I protect yours." Maine said drinking the glass of whiskey in one gulp.

"It is actually" Hiroshi said laughing and poured him another glass of whiskey while the two was drinking Hiroshi ended their drink and conversation with standing up and leading Maine to the storage room of the shop where you could most of the guns were stored in a neat fashion.

"Choose a gun for each member of your crew so I could help you and your team at the gig" Hiroshi said patting Maines back. Maine grabbed five different gun and some upgrades for his crew and thank Hiroshi for the drink and gun. When Maine left Hiroshi leaned on his desk and smiles.

"Almost, Miranda....Almost.....You'll finally get to rest in peace." Hiroshi said gripping the side of the table and shaking his head to not let his sadness overcome him so he could continue to work.

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