The Truck

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"Thanks again, Vic!" Elijah said leaving Victor's clinic who already finished implanting the second eye in his sockets.

Now that Elijah had finished Implanting both Eyes he now had to watch a solid amount of XBD to get used to the feeling of killing a person or watching a person get killed.

Elijah opened his contacts and searched for Judy's name.

[Judy Alvarez]

[Hey Eli, How are things going with Wheeler and Fawkes?] Judy asked in Worry

[It went bad actually, Can I come over there? it's better to explain it in person." Elijah said Riding his bike and already going to charter st.

[Now? sure I'll just fix some things here]

[Thanks Judy, be there in 10 minutes.]

Elijah hangs up the call and continued driving towards Judy's apartment, He accidentally wandered into a gang war between Maelstrom and Tygerclaws so he needed to back out and take another way before one of the gangs see him, as he turned around he already hear the police sirens going to the gang war's direction.

Elijah arrived at Judy's apartment and parked his bike beside her truck, Elijah went up to the third floor and used the doorbell pad to call Judy so she could allow him to enter her unit.

"Sooo Eli, what did you need help with?" Judy said sitting down on one of the barstools she had on the kitchen side of her apartment.

"I received a Gig from a guy named Sebastian Ibarra, and I need some BDs to help me handle the side effects of killing someone."

Judy turned around and was in shock, but what shocked her more was the bruised face he had after getting beaten up by Fawkes Judy saw Elijah walking towards her, his face was all beaten and bruised.

"Eli what the hell happened to your face!"
Judy asked with worry touching Elijah's face with both of her hands and twisting from side to side looking at the bruises and grazes.

"I didn't plan well on how I handled Fawkes, I took quite a beating as you can see, He probably had a Sandevistan and a krevnov the sandy was probably a MK 2 since he could dodge a bullet from close range krevnov activated the enhances the reflex and a sandy to increase speed, Who knows what else he could do?"

Judy scrunches her nose, shaking her head and exhaling loudly. She was worried and at the same time afraid for him.

"Sit down on the sofa I'll grab my medkit," Judy said as she walked inside her room grabbing the medkit that was beside her bed.

When she walked out of the room she saw Elijah sitting down on her sofa feet up his jacket on the side of the sofa and he was only wearing a tank top.

Judy sat beside Elijah putting her right foot in an Indian sitting position while her left foot fell on the floor.

She opened the med kit and took out a cotton swab and a betadine, she dabbed the cotton swab on the small wounds on his face and put ice packs on the bruise.

Elijah stared into her eyes and smiled, " Well aren't you the girlfriend material?" Elijah teased.

Judy slammed the ice pack to his face and then chuckled. "Of course, I am haha, I have a Girl...And she has things that I like.." Judy said doing an hourglass figure using her hands "Tits and Ass" Judy added making both laughs.

After treating his wounds Judy put back the medkit sat back down on the sofa and sat back beside Elijah.

" Soo...You became a merc??" Judy asked while crossing her legs on the sofa.

"The guy my dad hired to find the Wheeler and everyone connected to the XBD we saw," Elijah said and sat beside Judy at the kitchen counter.

Judy turned her body to face him and she frowned, But...Eli a hit job seriously? of all the gigs you could've accepted and you took in a hit job?"

"Hey, I didn't have time to wait and pray that some guy would give me a job before the four-day time limit."

"Time limit?..... The time limit for what?" Judy asked

"Maine only gave me  four days to get a gig and if I went past the due date, they won't let me in their crew and help."

"Ok...I understand but you can't use an XBD to lighten the guilt you'll feel when taking a life, if anything after a session with a killer's XBD It's possible that you'll feel worse,  making you can't kill a person."

"Alright, But can I at least have one last favor?" Elijah said

"I don't know, can you? you've been asking for a lot lately" Judy joked she said putting her legs down and leaning on the counter making the two of them chuckle. " But in all seriousness, of course, you can ask for a favor were friends Eli" Judy reassured him "So...What's the favor?"

"I need to borrow your van...." Elijah said with a straight face " To deliver a dead body to Sebastian."

"Fuck no! a dead body?! Eli come on" Judy exclaimed

"Come on its part of the gig! I'll clean everything I promise, you won't even smell anything after I'm done with it."

Judy sighs and stood up as she started walking around the room thinking if she should accept or refuse.

"First tell me what happened with Fawkes, then I'll think about it," Judy said sitting back down but now with a beer in her hand

"Fawkes was... I was blinded by anger earlier Didn't try to consider that a guy like him was probably Junkie with implants" Elijah explained.

"Well that is pretty idiotic of you, I'm glad you're alive Eli," Judy said as she leaned back on her sofa and crossed her arms. "If you want to get accustomed to killing the only BD I have is Miranda's another XBD is rape."

"Yeah, I can't do that" Elijah said, "fuck it I'll just patrol the area where he's at, He is probably hiding in Heywood since most kidnapping happens there along with Japantown"

"Want me to come with you? We can take the van." Judy said standing up and walking to the exit of her apartment unit.

"Alright, let's go do this," Elijah said wearing his jacket once more before leaving Judy's apartment.

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