Glimpse of True Face

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"Where is the hell is my file?" booms a loud voice in the house hearing which Shahana leaves the bottle from which she was drinking water and the bottle falls on the floor, whereas Aryan disbalances and hit the table from which the vase was going to fall but before it hit the ground he caught it.

"What happened Prachi? Which file are you talking about?" asked Shahana while carefully walking towards her so she doesn't slip on the floor.

"My file in which I had kept my resume. I swear I had searched the whole house but it's nowhere." replies a frustrated Prachi.

"Have you checked your nightstand?" asks Shahana.


"Your table" this time Aryan asks coming towards them while keeping the vase at its place.


"Your wardrobe," asks Shahana.

"Yes" replies Prachi getting annoyed with their question and frustrated from not finding her resume.

"Your bathroom"

Aryan looks at Shahana like she is an alien while Prachi glare at her.

"What? Why are you both looking at me like that," asks Shahana innocently.

"No the file is not in the bathroom. I remember after brushing its teeth and giving it a bath I brought it outside to get it dressed," replies Prachi sarcastically.

"Really?" questions Shahana while giving a weird look to her.

"Shahana I swear if you....."

"Prachi you scold her later at first we should find the file otherwise you will get late." interrupts Aryan before a fight could start.

"Yes, you are right. Let's find the file fast I will check the living room you both start checking the other rooms," says Prachi realizing that she is getting late.

Everyone dispersed in their direction to find the file. After 15 minutes Aryan returns and asks Prachi "Did you find it?" "No, don't know where it had gone," replies Prachi while sitting on the couch with her hands on her face while her elbows rest on her legs.

"Got it"

Both Prachi and Aryan look toward the source of the voice and see Shahana holding the file.

"Where was it?"

"Where was it?"

Both ask at the same time looking toward Shahana.

"In your bag which you are carrying for the interview," replies Shahana while raising an eyebrow.

Prachi bites her tongue realizing she had packed it yesterday night only. "Hehehe, wo I forgot that I had packed it yesterday night." says Prachi while Shahana and Aryan gave her a look that says 'Really' seeing their looks she quickly picks up her file and moves towards her room to take her bag while saying "Okay I will bring my bag, I am getting late."



A man was sitting on a head chair seeing the file and a girl is sitting in front of him seeing him dreamily.

"Your resume says that you had worked for 4 years then why did you leave your job all of a sudden?" asks the man on the head chair but didn't get a reply as the girl is still lost.

"Miss? Are you listening?" he asks while snapping his fingers in front of her.

"Ye..Yes, sir" replies the girl coming back from her dreamland.

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