Disclosing the truth

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"Even I have to use the washroom." saying this Shahana dashed in the same direction where Prachi is gone.

Everyone frowns at Shahana and then looks at each other knowing that something is wrong.

"Aree the food counter is open let's start eating they will join us in some time." Sid said using ghe lamest excuse that he could think at that time,

"Yaa you are right even I am hungry let's go and eat something." Aryan supported Sid. They both started moving in the opposite direction where Prachi and Shahana were gone.

"Wait even I will join you both, let's go." Siddharth joined Aryan and Sid as he knew how much Prachi loved Ranbir. His and Rhea's relationship was for some months only but then also it was difficult for him to move on, whereas Prachi and Ranbir's relationship was of three years that too they loved each other. A three years old relationship can't be forgotten in eight months. Breaking a relationship is easy but forgetting it is not easy. He turn around and saw the board one last time before leaving the hall.

'Ranbir weds Prachi '



Prachi was crying sitting on the ground, keeping her head on her knees. Shahana entered the park after sometime.

"Prachi" Shahana quickly hugged Prachi tightly, who reciprocated the hug,

Aryan, Sid, and Siddharth entered the scene by taking the longer route. They all were tensed seeing Prachi so broken. They all move forward and hugged both Shahana and Prachi. After crying for some time she calmed down and they all broke the hug.

"I am sorry, you.." Prachi tried to say in her scratchy voice but Sid cut her off,

"Bhakk don't talk this bullshit and all."

"Exactly don't you know friendship me no sorry and no thank you." Siddharth supported Sid while patting his back,

"Exactly you are never required to apologize to us for anything." Aryan kisses Prachi's forehead, who smiles at them, tears were again accumulating in her eyes but this time due to happiness.

Shahana and Aryan sat on either side of Prachi, Sid sits beside Shahana while Siddharth sits beside Aryan. They all sat beside each other in silence when Prachi spoke still looking at the sky "I thought I had moved on finally, but today that misunderstanding got clear. I am still that weak and stupid Prachi who can't do anything properly."

The other four looked at Prachi. Siddharth moves in front of her and holds Prachi's hand "Till I know Prachi was never weak nor stupid." Prachi wanted to say something but Siddharth didn't let her speak and continued "You were always a caring one who always want to keep others happy, for whom others' happiness is more important than others. Even if the other one doesn't give priority to your happiness. When you were with Ranbir, you had tried so many times to convince Mrs. Pallavi Kohli to forgive you both but had Ranbir ever tried to clear the misunderstanding between you and your dad? No, you were the only one doing everything. Sometimes you have to become selfish to be happy. So this time you choose your happiness Do you want to go back to Ranbir?"

Everyone looked shocked at him Aryan is about to say something but Siddharth interrupted him, "This will be Prachi's call only. I had sent him that hotel's clip, now he knows the truth."

Prachi at first looked shocked, after recovering from the shock she takes a deep breath and replied "Now it can't happen Sidd, choosing him will mean sacrificing my self-respect as well. I had left everything for him but I can't leave my self-respect. He left me when I required his support the most. I know I haven't moved on completely but I will move on, if not in six months then in a year, if not a year then in two years but I will move on. Today it isn't Love, due to which I cried it was the realization that came back, the realization that our three years of relationship was so worthless for him. It didn't even took a month for him to completely erase our relationship. It..." she is not able to complete her sentence due to the lump in her throat,

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