Rival and Friend

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Prachi was sitting in her cabin while making a profit-volume chart. She heard a knock on her door and permit the person to come in without looking at the person.

"Jack please, keep the file on the table," Prachi said still looking at her file.

"I can't keep it as first I don't have and file and second I am not Jack." said the person while looking at Prachi amused.

Listening to the voice she jerked her head up and saw Vihaan standing at the door with a smile on his face. Seeing him there she quickly stand up and said: "Sorry sir I didn't know you are here. I thought Jack had come to give the file."

"Don't worry it's alright," Vihaan said playfully which converted into a serious tone "but there is one thing which we should be worried about."

"What is it?" Prachi asked frowning,

"That lunchtime had started 10 minutes before and you are still sitting in your cabin?" Vihaan questioned with a raised brow.

Listening to him Prachi checked her watch and realized that she is late for lunch "Wo I didn't know that lunch break had started. I will just go in some time only some points are remaining." Prachi responded with a smile.

"Where is your lunch?" Vihaaan questioned to which Prachi pointed her hand toward the coffee table beside the window where her lunch was kept on the table.

Vihaan moves towards her coffee table and picks up her lunch. Then he moves towards her desk and closed her file then shut down her computer, while Prachi looked at him with wide eyes. Seeing her reaction he said: "You can make those points after eating lunch as well it's not like this file has to catch a flight so come let's go." He pulled her out of her desk and lightly pushed her towards the door while she chuckled and they both move towards the elevator.

In the elevator, Vihaan pressed the 50th- floor button.

"Sir cafeteria is downwards why are we going up," Prachi asked frowning.

"Point number one stop calling me sir as now we are not working so call me Vihaan only.."

"But.." Prachi tried to retort but Vihaan cut her off "Point number two I and Arav Bhai have our lunch on the top floor even Vansh Bhai and Riddhu bhabhi are here so you are going to join us."

"What? No sir, I don't wanna interfere, you all enjoy your lunch I will have my lunch in the cafeteria only."


"No you are going to eat with us and you are not interfering I am inviting you, also everyone will love to have your company so come," saying this Vihaan pulled Prachi out of the lift and moved towards a room from where voices of people could be heard.

"Sir I..." Prachi tried to retort but Vihaan just sushh her off while pulling her inside and announcing "See whom I had brought with me."

Everyone saw Prachi with a smile to which she returned an awkward smile and said: "Sorry for disturbing you all." She looked around the room to find a beautiful room with floor-to-roof windows on one side of the room showing the beautiful scenery of London, a lot of couches are present on one side of the room while a circular table with chairs is placed near the window where Arav, Riddhima and Vansh are sitting.

"Ohh stop it, you are not disturbing anyone we will love your company." Ridhima stand up from her chair and pulled Prachi in a hug "Now come join us at least I got female company." Ridhima said while pulling her onto the seat beside her and Vihaan took a seat on another side of Prachi on the circular table.

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