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Previous Name: Sosuke Aizen

Current Name: Sebastian Sitri

Mental Age: Unknow

Physical Age: 18, by the start of cannon

Soul Appearance:

Physical Appearance:

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Physical Appearance:

Soul Race: Transcendent

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Soul Race: Transcendent

Body Race: Devil

New Family:

Father: Silvers Sitri

Mother: Serena Sitri

Older Sister: Serafall Leviathan  

Younger Twin Sister: Sona Sitri



Attack Potency: Solar System Level

Speed: FTL+

Lifting Strength: Class T (The weight of the heaviest mountains) 

Striking Strength: Solar System Class

Durability: Solar System Level

Stamina: Extremely high, Nigh-unlimited with the Hogyoku

Range: Interdimensional

Intelligence: Extraordinary Genius. Arguably, the most fearsome trait of Aizen is his tremendous intellect. He is well-versed in the history, strategy, and tactics of Soul Society, and is privy to knowledge unknown to many, such as the existence of the Ōken, as well as the obscure method in which to create one. He has created several Hollows and Arrancar while avoiding arousing any suspicion from the majority of his fellow Shinigami. For over 110 years, he had been engaging in experiments which involved unique and highly dangerous manipulations of Reiryoku and Reishi, including experiments involving the Hollowfication of Shinigami, something which had never been done before. He has an innate knowledge of the Hōgyoku, rivaling that of its creator, Kisuke Urahara; he even knows how to destroy it. He figured out the true nature of Shinji Hirako's Shikai and deduced it produces an optical illusion, allowing him to counter its effect. He effectively deduces the true nature of the Hōgyoku via trial and error of the situations which revolve around it. He was also aware of several events, which happened in separate dimensions, as he knew about Ichigo fighting and winning against Grimmjow and Ulquiorra, while simultaneously awakening a "new power", despite being in the Real World with the Espada at that time

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Shunpo: A Shinigami movement technique which allows the user to move faster than the eye can follow. As speed is the main factor of the technique, the method is best characterized by how fast one can get from point A to point B in the least amount of steps.

Shikai: The initial release to a Shinigami's Zanpakutō. It is activated by a command while declaring the name of the Zanpakutō Spirit. It changes the shape of the Zanpakutō and/or granting special abilities. Aizen's Shikai is Kyouka Suigetsu, released on the command "Shatter".

Perfect Hypnosis: Aizen can control the 5 senses of his opponents with the Shikai of his Zanpakutō, who'll be completely succumbed to the Hypnosis once activated.

Bankai: The ultimate and final release to a Zanpakutō. The difference in power between Shikai and Bankai is generally around 5-10 times more powerful. Even though Bankai is the final stage of a Zanpakutō, it does not mean the Shinigami's growth ends there. A Bankai, especially one recently obtained, can evolve even further as its Shinigami gets stronger. Aizen's Bankai is unknown. For Now

Fragor: Aizen concentrates a large amount of energy and fires it at his opponit for a massive AOE attack.

Kidō: Spells cast by Shinigami with strong enough Reiryoku and Reiryoku control. Kidō is divided into mainly three categories: Hadō for attacks, Bakudō for battle support and Kaidō for healing. The spells are ranking from 1-99 with 1 being the weaker and easier spells to cast and 99 being the most powerful and difficult to cast. Skilled users can use Kido without the incantation; however, casting without incantation does reduce the Kidos effectiveness less than a third of its third potential.

El Escudo: A light green Reiatsu barrier that Aizen can summon around his person to block an incoming attack.

Millón Escudo: An advanced form of El Escudo, Millón Escudo is simply a million El Escudo that Aizen can form around any part of his body for even greater protection.

Bakudō #26: Kyokkō: A spell that bends light in order to hide the caster, their Reiryoku, Reiatsu or their Kidō.

Hadō #63: Raikōhō: Lightning Reiryoku is gathered into the caster's arm and released towards the target like a shock-wave.

Bakudō #81: Dankū: Upon activation, the caster generates a barrier that is capable of the complete nullification of any Hadō of the level 89 or lower. However, this barrier is not solely limited to Hadō as it can nullify the effects of abilities that are similar to Hadō.

Hadō #90: Kurohitsugi: The target is sealed inside a large black coffin and are seemingly cut while inside. A large torrent of gravity is located inside that distorts space and time while restricting any chance for escape.

Hadō #99: Goryūtenmetsu: Five large pillars of light are generated around the caster composed of Reiatsu that resemble large dragons. A forbidden Kidō as it not only destroys the surroundings, it absorbs nearby Reiatsu to enhance itself.

Standard Equipment:


Caja Negacion: These cubes are capable of sealing away an enemy from the battlefield for a very long time, even foes that are far stronger, however the time limit for the stronger foes is much shorter than those on the same level as him.

Reiatsu Concealing Cloak: A cloak created by Urahara which hides the wearer's Reiatsu. Aizen used this cloak to sneak up and attack Isshin Shiba. Aizen states it allows the wearer to blend in with the air around them by incorporating Kidō into the cloak, almost completely concealing them from sight.

Evil Pieces: Based on the game of chess, there are a total of 15 pieces (1 Queen ♛, 2 Rooks ♜, 2 Bishops ♝, 2 Knights ♞, and 8 Pawns ♟) that are given to High-class Devils (King ♚) with a peerage. These pieces are used to reincarnate other beings into Devils and become servants of the High-class Devil.

Notes: Both the Hogyoku and Kyouka Suigetsu are completely fused with his soul and cannot be removed from him. Though he can still summon the sword.

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