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Two lances met with a clash of power.

The Espada using everything she has to defeat this foe but it is all pointless. This version of Artoria that stands before her outclasses her in everything. Strength, speed, endurance, mana, and even luck. A all around superior individual.

"Its all pointless, Morgan. I am the only person worthy to be the king. You are nothing before my perfection." Her sister spoke in a emotionless tone.

Morgan was then forced to back up to dodge a slash of Artoria's lance. However the king did not stop there as suddenly appeared behind her and kicked her in the small of her back. Sending her flying as she coughed up blood.   

She crashed into the ground as she struggled to get up. The pure power that Artoria was able to put into that attack should have been impossible for her to achieve. Morgan's power now far out outclasses the original king of knights yet this one is in a league of her own. A league that should be exclusive to the likes of Aizen.

 "You still understand nothing. Blinded by your greed and your twisted sense of entitlement." Artoria stated as she stepped onto the back of Morgan, crushing her.

Morgan screamed out in pain. This power that Artoria now possess is truly worthy of a King. Its almost as if...

Before she could finish her thought she was kicked away by Artoria. Allowing her to get up as made multiple magic circles. Sending volleys of magic attacks at Artoria who simply walked through. 

"A king should be unreachable to all. A omnipotent existence that presides over and judges all with a fare hand. You cannot even compete with me." Mocked Artoria.

Those words caused Morgan to grit her teeth. Memories from her past flooded her mind were she wished to be able to say those exact same words. She believed that it was undoubtedly her right to be king of Camelot without contest.

Then Artoria appeared before her as she wrapped her hand around Morgan's throat and lifted her into the air as she slowly began to crush her windpipe.

"Even now you cannot see it. A shame. If you are so incapable of seeing the truth then die. This the punishment of your sin." Artoria said as she squeezed harder. 

Causing Morgan to thrash around in her grasp. Unable to free herself from the grasp of the king she always wanted to be. That's is why even with her throat collapsing she chuckled. Confusing the king before her.

"What's so funny?!" The king yelled. Showing emotion for the first time.

Morgan raised her hands as she grasped the hand holding her up. "The... likes of... you... passing judgment... on me." She spoke with ragged breaths as her hand slowly overpowered the grip that Artoria has on her. "Strikes me... as a bit comical!" She finished as she over powered Artoria.

The omnipotent power that Artoria once held slipping away as Morgan's mind became clear. Her foolish desire for the throne not mattering anymore. The power that she wished she held no longer holding any of her focus.

"The real you was merely a puppet king. More of a knight than a ruler. You could never make the difficult decisions that would have lead to the survival of Camelot.  And I was foolish enough to think that I would be any better!" Morgan proclaimed as more of Artoria's power left her. As Morgan's image of her was changed.

Artoias form changed into what Morgan remembers as she dropped her lance. Stumbling backwards to get away from Morgan.

"But no more! My current self has so many things to be thankful for and so many things that a foolish dream like that would take away from me. From this point forward I renounce my dream of being King!" Morgan exclaimed as she finally made up her mind.

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