Kouh Academy

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Everything was going perfect for the being know as Issei Hyoudou

His ordinary life was not the best to begin with. He was hated and despised by the female population of his school for being a infamous pervert. He was beaten physically and mentally by them everyday. That is not to say that he did not deserve it for peaking on the club bathrooms when the girls change after school. It still hurts though.

A few days ago something strange happened in the life of the perverted boy. A GIRL asked HIM out!?

Now being used to the scorn of the female gender, he jumped on this chance and instantly agreed. The date they had was wonderful in the eyes of the boy and when it ended the girl asked him to do one thing for her. A boy became excited and all kinds of perverted fantasies began to form in his mind. That all ended when the girl spoke her request.

Would you die for me?

His perception of reality was twisted in the following moments when the girls form changed and she sprouted wings that were oddly familiar to that of a crow and she threw what looked like a spear made of light right threw his chest.

The boy of course did not even try to move because of the indecent clothes the women was wearing and he could literally not look away from her to save his life.

He fell to the ground thinking of another girl that he was having interested in right after his "break up" with the girl that just flew off. Not even a day and he is already thinking of another women.

Well this quality saved his life when the girl he was thinking about suddenly appeared out of a red magical circle and spoke of how unfortunate he was and that he would live for her from now on. She then pulled out a pawn piece that she seemed to have ready for this moment.

The crimson haired girl became surprised when it took 8 pawns that even mutated to revive him and started to sweat at almost losing her key to freedom because of her carelessness. She smiled proudly that her plan worked in the end though and teleported herself and the boy away from the area.

No one noticed that a man in the sky watched the entire event. The man who possesses brown hair and brown eyes was smirking. Maybe he could use the red dragon as entertainment before things truly kicked off?

That sounds lovely indeed.


How come no one remembers her?

Not even my best friends Matsuda and Motohama remember her anymore.

I thought that they were just messing with me but no one remembers her

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I thought that they were just messing with me but no one remembers her.

I walked around school in between classes in depression. I am absolutely sure that nothing that happened was a dream. I went on a date with a beautiful girl and she turned into a creature with wings and killed me with a spear made out of light. A remember dying on the ground while lying in my own blood when the most beautiful girl in school appeared and I blacked out. 

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