Author's Note

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First off, a quick little promo: If you have never read this story before (or even if you have), I recommend you check out the newest story on my page, Living With The Enemy. It's a brand-new, rewritten version of this story which follows a lot of the main plot but has updated some elements that I wanted to evolve now that I'm a little bit older and have more experience with love and relationships. I know that this book has a way higher read count and is completed, so no worries if you'd rather read this one, but I really would recommend checking out Living With The Enemy first. 


Hello! Thank you for opening my story today -- I really appreciate it. Just a quick note -- this version of Living With The Bad Boy was almost entirely written when I was fifteen, and began as a joke. Therefore, not every word written in this book is something I'd write/something I'd agree with now. I'm currently in the process of rewriting this story (yay!) and the first few chapters for my new version, called Living With The Enemy, will hopefully be up shortly. I will let you guys know soon. So with that being said, please enjoy the story, and please let me know what you'd like me to change about this original book as well as what you really liked! Obviously make sure to keep it constructive, but I'd love some feedback about what to do better next time, because apparently I cannot simply move on from something I wrote at 15 and instead need to rewrite the entire thing on top of my college classes. 

Thank you guys so much, and without further ado, please enjoy the story :) (and if you don't, let me know why!)

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