Chapter 29

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Chrissa and I have now officially spent more time in the mall than I thought humanly possible- we've scoured every shelf for on-sale jewelry and dresses, practically tried on every shoe in the whole frickin mall, and Chrissa even made me get some sort of weird lash lift thing. I flat-out refused when I saw the price tag, but apparently Chrissa and the owner are best friends because they did it for free. Because Chrissa Thompson needs more free things in her life.

"Okay, you can open your eyes in 3..."

We're currently standing in front of one of the mall's giant mirrors right by the food court, so I can see my "transformation" as Chrissa calls it. I'm still thoroughly convinced that I just spent half of my earnings at the diner on absolutely no-

"2, 1, open!" Chrissa says, moving her hands away from my face and stepping back to admire her handiwork. "So... what do you think?"

What do I think? I'm tempted to say that I look like a different person at first, but that's a lie. My fire-red hair is still mine, only now it's shiny and bouncy, honey blonde streaks melding in with the bright red and the caramel and auburn lowlights put in- layers making it bounce and sway when I move my head. My face, which is usually ghostly and pale now looks... alive, glowing... radiant. And gone are the faded T-shirt and ill-fitting jeans. I'm in an olive cardigan that does wonders to show off my figure while still feeling like me, a tight black miniskirt, and heeled tan booties that scream 'fashionista' instead of 'sale-section-of-Target.' It's all still me, all Sienna, just an... updated version. And I don't just mean looks-wise. It's a Sienna who's not afraid to go out there and show people who she really is instead of hiding in the shadows.

"I look... beautiful," I manage to say through my shock. Chrissa just shakes her head. "Hon, you've always been beautiful. The only thing I helped change was your confidence. Now come on."

"Where are we going?" I ask, tearing my eyes away from the reflection staring back at me in the mirror.

"To get smoothies. Giving you a makeover has been hard work, I need a break," Chrissa says, grabbing my hand and leading me over to the food court practically instantly- damn, I guess the girl really was hungry.

Once Chrissa's downed her low-fat strawberry-mango smoothie and I've finished my fries, we get up from the table and walk towards the entrance of the mall- though Chrissa gets distracted by a pair of boots in a boutique window.

"Chrissa, are you coming? Or are-"

The words that were about to come out of mouth just... don't as I see Mayah. Walking into the mall with Ethan and two girls, Heather and May- who I've never seen her with before. And she's walking towards- and glaring at... me.

"Mayah?" I say, as it becomes apparent that she's walking up to me. "Uh- how are you?"

She shakes her head. "Fuck you, Sienna. Honestly, just fuck you."

"W-wha?" The sound comes out strangled, like a cat that's choking.

"Look at you." She gestures an arm out to my clothes. "Do you really think dressing up will make you cool? Will make big bad Jase Turner like you?" She scoffs, and I feel tears fill my eyes. "Where is this coming from?"

She continues on, ignoring my question. "And god- hanging out with Chrissa Thompson? Out of all people? God, Sienna, we used to make fun of her all the time. I always thought you were different- when did you turn into such a wannabe?"

"Mayah!" I say, my mouth hanging open. "Where is this coming from? Please tell me."

She shakes her head. "As if you don't already know. Next time if you're going to call me an insecure three year old, at least do me the favor of saying it to my face." She turns on her heel and her friends follow suit. "C'mon guys, let's go."

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