Chapter 15

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Noah and I jump apart, but the damage has already been done. I'm in nothing but a bra and underwear, and Noah's shirt is completely unbuttoned. Plus, Jase saw us.

"I can explain-" Noah starts, but Jase interrupts him. 'No, you can't. What you can do is get the hell out of here before I make you. Asshole."

"Don't tell Noah what to do!" I say angrily, but Noah shakes his head. "No, it's okay, Sienna. I'll go. I don't want to create any more tension than I already did. I'll see you at school on Monday though, alright?" He squeezes my hand as he leaves, and I'm left speechless as he walks out of the room and I'm just left with Jase.

"What is wrong with you! My mother lets you stay at her house, invites you to her party, and this is how you repay her? By acting like a slut with the first guy who will take you?" He's practically shaking with anger.

"Did you just call me a slut?" Now I'm mad. I walk over to him, clothes be damned, and before I can think better of it, literally slap him in the face. He grabs my hand before I can make contact with his face. "Don't. Even. Think. About. It. You're lucky I'm not telling my mother about how awful of a guest you've been."

"Oh, please," I say. "Like you haven't done the same thing. Nobody's calling you a slut. And don't pretend this argument is about your mother. You're just pissed because instead of chasing after you like you were expecting, I found someone who doesn't treat me like trash."

"Seriously? Noah Windsor? The only reason he's even giving you the time of day is because he knows he can get with you and he needs someone easy. Don't kid yourself."

"Sienna? Jase?" I hear Lizbeth call. Both Jase and I jump. "One minute, Mom!" Jase calls.

He turns back around to face me, saying in a low voice, "This isn't over. Now get dressed and get back to my mother's party." And with that he leaves my room, slamming the door shut and leaving me to wonder what the hell just happened.

It's two weeks later, and Jase and I still haven't said a word to each other. I've alternated between taking the bus and having Noah pick me up in his old, red pickup truck (so much better than Jase's stupid Tesla, honestly) and, so far, neither Lizbeth nor my mom have noticed. Jase's little brother Marcus, though, is another story. He keeps giving us suspicious glares.
"Camila Cabello or Taylor Swift?" Cece asks, breaking me out of our daze. It's a Cece thing, asking random questions all the time. I don't mind. In fact, Cece and her significant other, Sam, are the only people keeping me sane during my long shifts and the lonely walks afterwards. "Oh, I'm definitely a Taylor girl," I respond. "I mean, have you heard Cornelia Street? Pure magic."

A/N: No, but seriously, listen to Cornelia Street. Please.

"I know! It's terribly underrated," Cece says as we reach the bus station and she gets on the Southbound bus. "See you tomorrow!"

I wave goodbye to her, surprised when my backpack doesn't weigh me down.

Waaait a second...

I left my Physics binder at school.

I check my watch. The school closes in half an hour, and the last bus leaves in 50 minutes, so I have to hurry. I sprint down the pavement, ignoring the stares I receive. I really can't be bothered to care right now.

I pass the soccer field, where Jase is taking off his cleats. He gives me a 'WTF' look as I run by but doesn't say anything.

The school is boiling today. Huh. I don't remember it being this warm during the day. Or maybe it's just because I'm sweaty. Whatever the reason, it doesn't matter. I finally burst into the open-doored Physics room, which is somehow even hotter than anywhere else. Running through the room, I finally spot my Physics book on the end bench by the heating vent.

The heating vent that is now smoking. And flaming.

Oh... shit.

I have to abandon the binder, don't I?
Rushing back to the door, I put my hand on the handle and recoil backwards in pain. It's hot. Like stovetop hot. And worse, even when I did touch it? It didn't budge.

And then I think back to how the door had been open. Because it was locked. It's been locked all week. The janitors haven't had time to fix it yet.

Oh my god.

Smoke starts filling the room fast and I can no longer tell what's my own hyperventilating and what's the ash filling my lungs. A giant flame erupts through the heater, catching on a wooden chair behind me.

Okay, Sienna. Stay calm. Stay calm. You're fine.

I sprint over to the sink (the term 'sprinting' is used loosely here, I can barely move without wheezing) and turn on the faucet, but nothing comes out. This must be some sort of electrical fire and they turned everything off. Or- I don't know. There has to be an explanation. There has to be something I can do.

By now, the fire has consumed two more desks and is inching closer and closer to where I am. Smoke fills the room, making everything barely distinguishable in the haze. Turning to the door, I use my last resort, finally allowing myself to break down as much as I want to. "Help!" I scream, tears running down my face.

I can't yell loud enough. From behind me, I hear the fire crackle.

"Someone! Please help me!" I bang against the door, but the smoke is filling my lungs, making it hard to breathe, speak, making me weak.

I can feel the fire on the back of my neck, heat crawling up my skin.

"PLEASE!" I scream, my voice sandpaper, my sobs mammoth. "PLEASE HELP ME!"

Fire touches my arm and I scream again, shrilly.


Spots fill my vision and I think I might be dreaming. I can no longer inhale, the smoke is so thick, and my knees buckle. My head smacks the ground and I scream again. "Help!" It barely comes out a whisper.

There's a banging noise, the sound of splintering wood, and someone coughing. "SIENNA!" It sound like Jase. "Please tell me you're here."
"Help!" I say again pathetically. The dancing spots fill my vision, and I have to close my eyes. Everything is so, so hot. So hot it's freezing and I'm shivering.

"Sienna! Oh my god. Shit. Shit shit shit." It's Jase's voice and as I open my eyes it's Jase standing over me... but this can't be Jase. Because Jase has been ignoring me all week- and because as long as I've known him, Jase has never called me Sienna.

I feel an arm slide under my knees, another under my shoulder blades. He hooks my arm around him, and he's carrying me. I think. In whatever weird hallucination I'm in.

I laugh. Why do all my dreams revolve around Jase Turner? Even when I'm dying, I can't escape him.

I can feel his heartbeat in his chest, fastfastfastfast, and I can hear him coughing, can hear all of the noises of the fire consuming more wood, expanding its territory, but it all feels so far away, like I'm listening through a fishbowl. Like my life is already slipping away.

"Jase?" I ask.


"I think I'm dying."

And then the world goes black.


Hey guys! I'm sorry this chapter is so short (and so terrible haha) I didn't have a lot of time and needed to finish it.

I'm going to be taking a short midseason break because I'll be in Europe and spending time with family over break, but I should be back around mid-January (though it might be earlier or later than that) so make sure to check back for updates!!

And also- I just wanted to tell you guys that I know I don't get a lot of readers yet haha but I reallly realllly appreciate each and every one of you. I know there are a lot of things you could be doing right now, and the fact that you're choosing to read my story is CRAZY so thank u all :)

I really hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season if you're celebrating, and I hope that 2020 is even better than 2019! ILY all and I'll see you soon!! Happy break <3

-Selene :)

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