Chapter 35 Part 2

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Once again, if you listen to these songs during this chapter, I swear they will make it so much better:

*like that- Bea Miller

*shameless- Camila Cabello

*just friends- Virginia to Vegas

*sparks fly- Taylor Swift

*delicate- Taylor Swift

*fearless- Taylor Swift

"Holy fuck," I hear someone say, a high-pitched female voice. I don't realize that it's my own. Jase and I are stuck there for a few seconds like deer in headlights, then I hear him say the word- and for once I listen to him. "Run."
And so we do.

I jump down from the carousel, my long hair sending a light shiver down my back, and then I'm sprinting through the wet grass, still barefoot and my hand still interlocked with Jase's grip. I can practically feel the adrenaline pumping through our veins as Jase lifts me up onto the fence with a hurried "go!" and this time, I don't even bother to try scaling down the other side, I just jump, hitting the ground and practically rolling down the hill as I grab the high heels I left there and Jase grabs the pie box and we take off running again, not even knowing where we're going, and then the two of us are just sprinting down the streets of the town, and we've left the man behind ages ago I'm sure, but this running just feels so good, so free that we don't stop until we've gone as far as we can go, my toes squishing the cool sand underneath as we make it to the boardwalk jutting out into the ocean, both of us practically collapsing onto each other, out of breath and delirious from wild, strange laughter that fills me with the kind of warmth I didn't know I could feel.

"That- was-" I pant when I can finally breathe well enough to sort of talk.

"-amazing," Jase finishes, his smile bigger than anything I think I've seen before. "You know, you're- an excellent- runner, Red. You- you should try out- for track- sometime."

I just roll my eyes, realizing suddenly that I'm basically lying on top of him- moving my body away as fast as I can as he takes the flask back out of his jacket pocket. "Well," he says, appearing to have recovered from our all-out sprint a lot faster than I did, "I think that definitely deserved a drink." He hands the flask out to me and I take another swig, pretending it doesn't burn as much as it does before handing it back to him. "So, then... what now? It's..." I take my phone out of the small purse I've been carrying. "One a.m."

"Well..." Jase's blue eyes look into mine, charming and a little devious. "We probably should get back. It's already late enough as it is."

"Y-yeah. Um, right." I look down at the boardwalk, pretending to study the wood panels instead of kicking myself for being so incredibly stupid. Somehow, I thought he would still want to stay out with me.

"But..." he adds, in a tone that brings a jolt to my heart, causing me to look back up at him. "All this pie isn't going to just eat itself."

Which is how I come to be stargazing and eating pie with Jase Turner, the school's biggest player, in the earliest hours of the morning.


"So... truth or dare?" I ask him, taking one last bite of the peach pie. It's been almost half an hour, and yet it feels like we've been here for no time at all. I could stay here with him forever, if it's not for the slight chill that the ocean breeze is giving me.

"Mmm... I'd say dare, but I have a feeling you'd do something evil," Jase grins.

"You know me too well, darling," I say in a fake posh accent. "But fine. Truth..."

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